Midwestern- Downers Grove, IL

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Sep 1, 2009
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Anyone heard updates on Midwestern opening a dental school in Illinois? I know it is an option to send DAT scores there, but does that mean they are 100% opening a dental school for fall 2011? Are they accredited?

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Anyone heard updates on Midwestern opening a dental school in Illinois? I know it is an option to send DAT scores there, but does that mean they are 100% opening a dental school for fall 2011? Are they accredited?

Yes, yes, and yes. You can find the info on the ADEA website and eventually MWU website. There is no need to advertise it anymore than necessary.
Yes, yes, and yes. You can find the info on the ADEA website and eventually MWU website. There is no need to advertise it anymore than necessary.

Yes, final accreditation does not happen until they graduate the first class...

Building should be good to go by next summer or earlier because its not a dental only building and have some new Anatomy and OMM Labs for the DO students.
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They were doing a campus tour and gave/talked about the dental program on wednesday I think. I didn't go so I can't comment.
They just had their initial accreditation visit the first week of August so will be ready to go!
Wow! I am from Chicago and I guess I will also apply to MWV in addition to UIC this year. So, they are for sure admitting their first dental school class in fall 2011 right? I am going to do some research. I tried researching about the school in Feb but there wasn't much info about it.
I just looked on Adea and googled it and there was nothing :confused: I have been keeping my eyes open for a about a year. I hear that Midwestern in AZ is awesome so I hope that Midwestern in Chicago is just as amazing.
I just looked on Adea and googled it and there was nothing :confused: I have been keeping my eyes open for a about a year. I hear that Midwestern in AZ is awesome so I hope that Midwestern in Chicago is just as amazing.

This is all I could find: "Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-Illinois is accepting applications through ADEA AADSAS for its inaugural class enrolling in fall 2011. CDMI will enroll an entering class of 125 students and considers for admission those students who possess the academic, professional, and personal qualities necessary for development as exemplary dental professionals. To select these students, the College uses a rolling admissions process within a competitive admissions framework. (Website Coming Soon) "

I found it here: http://www.adea.org/dental_education_pathways/aadsas/Applicants/Pages/What'sNewofADEAAADSAS.aspx

Hopefully the website will be up soon so we can get more information!
Awesome!! Thank you so much for the info!!! I have been watching this school and Chicago could really benefit from another dental school.
Awesome!! Thank you so much for the info!!! I have been watching this school and Chicago could really benefit from another dental school.

Estimated tuition I think is at 60-70k/year. The building is still being constructed. It should be ready by the time the 2011 class starts.
I don't think applications for MWU will be opening this summer
"Midwestern University plans to open a dental college in Downers Grove which officials say could help bring much-needed dental care to the underserved, including rural communities and poor neighborhoods.

The school won't open for a couple of years, but already interest is high, said Dennis Paulson, vice president and chief academic officer of dental and medical education at Midwestern.

"I get calls all of the time from applicants who've heard about it through word-of-mouth," Paulson said. "I tell them, ‘Fall of 2011. Don't call back until then.' "

Paulson said the university is seeking approval from the Illinois Board of Higher Education, then the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The school would admit 125 students per class."

If it was ready to accept applications this summer, then their website would have applicant information and their buildings would be complete for interviews.
So expect their first application pool Summer 2011 and the class to enter 2012.
I don't think applications for MWU will be opening this summer

If it was ready to accept applications this summer, then their website would have applicant information and their buildings would be complete for interviews.
So expect their first application pool Summer 2011 and the class to enter 2012.

No, they are accepting applications this summer and the first class is entering 2011. My neighbor is on one of the boards there.
Does anyone know if the school has hired a full staff yet?
If not where can you apply....
I am a supervising dentist interested in becoming one of the instructors:D
Does anyone know if the school has hired a full staff yet?
If not where can you apply....
I am a supervising dentist interested in becoming one of the instructors:D

You're best bet is to call human services at the downer's grove campus.
I know they hired a dean already so they are in the process at least.
So I'm trying to decide which campus to apply to. I don't care about area mostly I'm thinking which has more out of state acceptance and maybe a little easier to get into..:eek:.comments?
So I'm trying to decide which campus to apply to. I don't care about area mostly I'm thinking which has more out of state acceptance and maybe a little easier to get into..:eek:.comments?

It depends...are you male or female?
went there for an interview. They are in filling out their full-time faculty and have a curiculum in place for Fall 2011. I know some people who have gotten accepted. As to likelihood of acceptance, better scores = better chances.