Minnesota Cost of Attending

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Nov 21, 2006
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Are there any D3's or D4's from Minnesota that can give me a figure of the four-year cost of attending for an out-of-state student (tuition+books+instruments+living expenses) aka, how much debt are you racking up?? Are you eligible to pay in-state tuition after 2 years of out-of state tuition. I heard the figure was around 300 grand. Any insight? Minnesota's website seems to be withholding this information.

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Are there any D3's or D4's from Minnesota that can give me a figure of the four-year cost of attending for an out-of-state student (tuition+books+instruments+living expenses) aka, how much debt are you racking up?? Are you eligible to pay in-state tuition after 2 years of out-of state tuition. I heard the figure was around 300 grand. Any insight? Minnesota's website seems to be withholding this information.

You are right, this was not very forthcoming information, but it is available on their website. I love a good challenge first thing in the morning!

For an out of stater, total estimated costs for the 2006 entering class, per year, are:

D1 year 55,617.96
D2 year 64,838.74
D3 year 81,699.74
D4 year 84,813.92

Total $286,970.36 + tuition increases, assume about 4% each year, + interest on the unsubsidized portions of the loans, everything but about $8,500/yr, throughout dental school. The total debt by graduation will easily mount to over $350,000.

In state:
D1 40,797.96
D2 47,942.74
D3 58,264.74
D4 58,175.92

In state total: $205,181.36 + tuition increases + interest while in school. About $250,000 at the time of graduation.

Remember any money you borrow up to $38,500/yr will be at 6.8% interest with only $8,500 subsidized. Any additional money borrowed after that up to the cost of attendance utilizing the Plus Loan will be at an 8.5% interest rate, non-subsidized.

Asking these kind of questions before you make a decision is very mature. I don't think your entire decision should be based on price, but it is important that you learn as best as possible what you are getting into before you sign on the dotted line. Being informed doesn't very often change things but can give you very important tools. Very best wishes. I'm going to try to paste the link.
Wow, thank you so much Lesley! I never really considered tuition increases throughout enrollment. So it looks like, coming from Wisconsin, I would have to pay out-of-state tuition all four years. Somehow I was led to believe I could become a Minnesota resident after say, the first two years, and then pay in-state. Maybe that's because at Indiana, they made it a point to say I would have to pay out-of-state tuition all four years, making me think other state schools were different in this aspect. Anyway, thanks for the insight!
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Somehow I was led to believe I could become a Minnesota resident after say, the first two years, and then pay in-state. Maybe that's because at Indiana, they made it a point to say I would have to pay out-of-state tuition all four years, making me think other state schools were different in this aspect.

I did not see anything on the site regarding Minnesota's policy regarding allowing out of state students in state residency after a period of time. It doesn't mean they don't allow it. I wasn't specifically looking for that topic. But I guess the fact that they do list D1-D4 out of state costs, it may not be a common occurence.

It's an important point, check into it, maybe Minnesota does allow a change in residency status. I tried to cut and paste the detailed info from Minnesota and also send the link, sorry but I couldn't get either to work.

Good luck with school, whichever one you choose! Best wishes.
Wow, thank you so much Lesley! I never really considered tuition increases throughout enrollment. So it looks like, coming from Wisconsin, I would have to pay out-of-state tuition all four years. Somehow I was led to believe I could become a Minnesota resident after say, the first two years, and then pay in-state. Maybe that's because at Indiana, they made it a point to say I would have to pay out-of-state tuition all four years, making me think other state schools were different in this aspect. Anyway, thanks for the insight!

You should really call the school and ask. Because when I was interviewing there I recall the U of Minnesota having a special agreement with Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota residents that may actually qualify you for in-state tuition status. Just call and ask!
Good thought... unfortunately I was thinking the exact same thing at my interview there. When the subject was brought up, the answer was NO!!:(
BUT I do think north and south dakota get reciprocity tuition; wisconsin does not