Moving during application cycle and residency

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Dec 3, 2017
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If you are a resident of state A and you move to state B before the application cycle begins, how does this affect applying to public schools in both states? As in, will state A and B consider the applicant OOS?

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When I applied to some state schools, they asked to describe connections to the state. Your application will probably have to say resident for State 1, but in the secondary to state 2 you can hopefully describe your connections to that state you’ve just moved to.

Residency takes awhile to attain, and can depend on your purpose of moving to the state (educational or not, did you get a job etc). It also depends on how dependent, if at all, you are on your parents, their income, and their residency.
When I applied to some state schools, they asked to describe connections to the state. Your application will probably have to say resident for State 1, but in the secondary to state 2 you can hopefully describe your connections to that state you’ve just moved to.

Residency takes awhile to attain, and can depend on your purpose of moving to the state (educational or not, did you get a job etc). It also depends on how dependent, if at all, you are on your parents, their income, and their residency.
Ok this helps a lot, thank you!