National Conference Poster Presentation

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He runs like a Welshman
7+ Year Member
May 12, 2016
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Hey everyone, so I just found out that the abstract from my senior thesis has been accepted for a poster presentation at the NASPGHAN conference in November. THe only problem is that I'm currently living and working in the UK so it would be very hard and expensive for me to get to Las Vegas to attend the meeting (my lab won't pay for me to get there because I'm not an employee). Luckily, a grad student I'm worked with is going and said she would present my poster as well if I couldn't make it.

I'm still 1st author, but I'm wondering if medical school would care if I physically attended the conference or not. Do you guys think its worth going to?

I was also wondering if having an accepted poster is worthy of an update or not, I mentioned that I submitted it for consideration in my primary.

Thanks guys

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I just found out that the abstract from my senior thesis has been accepted for a poster presentation at the NASPGHAN conference in November. THe only problem is that I'm currently living and working in the UK so it would be very hard and expensive for me to get to Las Vegas to attend the meeting (my lab won't pay for me to get there because I'm not an employee). Luckily, a grad student I'm worked with is going and said she would present my poster as well if I couldn't make it.

I'm still 1st author, but I'm wondering if medical school would care if I physically attended the conference or not. Do you guys think its worth going to?

I was also wondering if having an accepted poster is worthy of an update or not, I mentioned that I submitted it for consideration in my primary.
I suggest you mention the poster presentation, and any awards, in your fall update letter (after the November conference date) along with other pertinent news.

You contributed to the research, and you are first author on the poster. Your physical presence is not essential to having your accomplishment appreciated. Do however, give credit to the presenter in your comments, as research is a team sport