NBDE Part 1 First Aid 1/e or 2/eErrata

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Jan 10, 2009
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Hi Everyone,

Just thought it would be good to compile a list of NBDE first aid errors for us to be able to use as reference. (I don't think I saw one in existence yet, but please bump this if there is one already). I happen to have the 2/e, but feel free to add errors from 1/e as well.

Error - (2/e, pg 245) Insulin is a homopolymer of fructose. This is incorrect. Insulin is a peptide hormone.

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Hi Everyone,

Just thought it would be good to compile a list of NBDE first aid errors for us to be able to use as reference. (I don't think I saw one in existence yet, but please bump this if there is one already). I happen to have the 2/e, but feel free to add errors from 1/e as well.

Error - (2/e, pg 245) Insulin is a homopolymer of fructose. This is incorrect. Insulin is a peptide hormone.
i will suggest donot read NBDE first aid........
i feel this book is use less.....
instead of waisting time read other books......
i will suggest donot read NBDE first aid........
i feel this book is use less.....
instead of waisting time read other books......

When making suggestions, or giving advices, make sure to type good americanese.
I agree,don't waste your precious time correcting the mistakes;they are not few.
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