Need Advice, Finalizing Course Schedule for Post Bacc work

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Feb 3, 2016
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I recently graduated with a BS in Human Physiology. I am sitting at a 3.0 which is obviously too low for a medical college application. During this time I am also conducting research with an ER doc completely volunteer based where he has allowed me to head my own proposal and study as the principal investigator. I have an immense amount of clinical volunteer hours as well as lots of shadowing and community service work. MCAT will be this summer.

Im not sure if any of that information is relevant to my question, but I figured I would post it so its been covered. Aside from basic required med school pre reqs, the science courses I have taken are Biochem, pathophysiology, anatomy and lab, physiology and lab, and human growth and motor development.

I am retaking two courses which I got D's in to boost my GPA, im sure i can get A's in them this time around.

My real question is, what should I take alongside these courses? Immunology is not offered (at least not by that name). I was thinking along the lines of Genetics, Cell Biology, or Microbiology. There are also highly specific courses like "vascular anatomy". I'm hoping to take courses which will look best as an upward trend and help achieve an acceptance, not courses which will make medical school courses easier.

Thank you in advance!!

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I recently graduated with a BS in Human Physiology. I am sitting at a 3.0 which is obviously too low for a medical college application. During this time I am also conducting research with an ER doc completely volunteer based where he has allowed me to head my own proposal and study as the principal investigator. I have an immense amount of clinical volunteer hours as well as lots of shadowing and community service work. MCAT will be this summer.

Im not sure if any of that information is relevant to my question, but I figured I would post it so its been covered. Aside from basic required med school pre reqs, the science courses I have taken are Biochem, pathophysiology, anatomy and lab, physiology and lab, and human growth and motor development.

I am retaking two courses which I got D's in to boost my GPA, im sure i can get A's in them this time around.

My real question is, what should I take alongside these courses? Immunology is not offered (at least not by that name). I was thinking along the lines of Genetics, Cell Biology, or Microbiology. There are also highly specific courses like "vascular anatomy". I'm hoping to take courses which will look best as an upward trend and help achieve an acceptance, not courses which will make medical school courses easier.

Thank you in advance!!
Goro once told me to take things that mimic a med school curriculum. Specifically:





Cell Bio

Molecular Bio or Genetics


Med Micro



Parasitology (if offered)


If you majored in physiology you've probably already taken some of these but I hope this helps, good luck with post-bacc-ing!
You’re on the right track, basically any upper division bio classes are a good bet. Acing these the first time through with a solid mcat will help prove that you can handle med school.
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Thank you for your encouragement and replies, It looks like Cell Bio and Micro are courses I will be taking and I'll consider Genetics.

My final relevant question is if I should take Micro and Cell Bio alongside my two retakes which are Human Pathophysiology and Human Physiology Lab? Or should I wait and take the two a different semester? Im leaning toward adding Micro this semester, and then taking Cell Bio and genetics together over the summer.
Thank you for your encouragement and replies, It looks like Cell Bio and Micro are courses I will be taking and I'll consider Genetics.

My final relevant question is if I should take Micro and Cell Bio alongside my two retakes which are Human Pathophysiology and Human Physiology Lab? Or should I wait and take the two a different semester? Im leaning toward adding Micro this semester, and then taking Cell Bio and genetics together over the summer.
It’s a balance between getting A’s and showing you can handle several science classes at once. The advice given me was take at least 3 upper div Bio classes (ideally not retakes) and ace them. The plan you mentioned is a good one. Best of luck!