Need advice!! PT or ex phys

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7+ Year Member
Mar 17, 2016
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Hello everyone,

Always thought I wanted to do PT, however looking at tuition costs, it doesn't seem sensible. 100k+ is like buying a house, and with cut reimbursements as well as other factors, idk if it is worth it. I am a junior exercise science undergrad, and could pursue clinical ex phys for 20k or less, and still get the same job satisfaction as well as a decent living. From what I've read, many practice PTs would not do it all over again F they had to pay this kind of money for the DPT. Any advice or thoughts? It's a constant debate in my head every day and I need some others advice.

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I encourage you to research the field of exercise physiology in depth. We get quite a few of those majors who can't find work or do much besides be a personal trainer. (I don't know much about the clinical exercise physiology market).

I absolutely think 100K is ridiculous compared to average PT salary. It's smart of you to think of this now. I guess I recommend doing the math....decide on a reasonable top amount you would pay for a DPT education and stick to that number. I put my own number around 70K. I figured if I could do it for less than that (1 year salary), it was worth it....if it was more than that, I wasn't going to go back to school. But everyone's personal factors are different.
Hello everyone,

Always thought I wanted to do PT, however looking at tuition costs, it doesn't seem sensible. 100k+ is like buying a house, and with cut reimbursements as well as other factors, idk if it is worth it. I am a junior exercise science undergrad, and could pursue clinical ex phys for 20k or less, and still get the same job satisfaction as well as a decent living. From what I've read, many practice PTs would not do it all over again F they had to pay this kind of money for the DPT. Any advice or thoughts? It's a constant debate in my head every day and I need some others advice.

You need to compare the following (and it sounds like you may already be doing this):
  • debt to obtain degree
  • ratio of starting salary to debt incurred
  • how easy will it be to obtain employment in the setting you which to practice for each degree
I have heard that finding a job in Ex. Phys. is not easy.