Need Help Deciding on Post-Bacc/SMP

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5+ Year Member
May 21, 2018
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Hey Guys, thanks for all your support so far! Because of your help I have gained admission to the following programs:
- Temple ACHS
- Loyola MAMS and MSMP
- Drexel IMS
- Rutgers MBS Newark

And awaiting decisions from
- Cincinnati MSP (waitlisted)
- Rosalind Franklin BMS (under review)
- Temple ACMS (under review)

My stats are as follows:
3.4 cGPA, 3.2 sGPA from a top 20 undergrad (biochem major with interdisciplinary honors), 515 MCAT (128/127/131/129).

So I'll be re-applying this cycle (MD and DO) and hope to send in first semester grade updates to schools from whichever SMP I choose to go to around Nov/Dec. But I'm looking to specifically link into medical school from one of these post-bacc/smp programs. From your guys' experience, given my situation, what do you think is the best choice for me?

Currently I'm learning towards Temple ACHS given that they claim linkages to Temple/SUNY Downstate/PCOM/George Washington. But Temple/GW require at least a 3.5 uGPA from what I've heard to link, so essentially I'll really only have the opportunity to link with PCOM. But one advantage with this program is that it will boost my baccalaureate GPA as opposed to standing out as a masters gpa.

I also like Loyola's MSMP because it is a small program with guaranteed interview but that means a glide year, which I'm trying to avoid

Would love to hear your thoughts on this...Appreciate your help!

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wow okay I just posted a question on postbacc/SMP help if you could reply that would be great! seems like you would have a lot of info since i'm pretty lost on the whole situation