No Dental Interview Yet

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New Member
Sep 9, 2018
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Slightly freaking out because I have not revived an invite to interview for dental school. Here are my stats and any advice or support would be wonderful.

GPA: 3.98 (overall)/4.00 (science)
Major: Mathmatical Sciences
Experiences: 50+ Dental Shadowing, 600+ Medical Scribe, Morgan Stanley Intern, Calc 3 tutor, 100+volunteering
Application Completed/Sent: 08/30

If anyone had similar stats as me and got an interview somewhere, let me know! Thank you so much!

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You applied late in the cycle. Where did you apply/how many schools did you apply to? Dental schools operate on a rolling admit system so the people getting interviews now are the ones who applied in June and July not late August. Your stats are good so you should get some but they won’t be coming for a bit.
Just be patient. But are you shadowing hours below 100?
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Your shadowing is a little low but shouldnt be make or break for most schools, did you ever apply to medical school? I see medical scribe listed. I wish I could see more dental related experiences listed for one though

It is also still early.
I think it is because you applied a little late. You should be hearing from schools soon.
Experiences: 50+ Dental Shadowing, 600+ Medical Scribe,

Hopefully your personal statement is very convincing as to why you are no longer pursuing medical and are now interested in dental.
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You applied two and a half weeks ago, hang tight and wait for the most disgusting, heart-wrenching and turbulent ride of your life.
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