Non-trad & low GPA

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New Member
Apr 26, 2022
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Hello all! Long story short I am first-gen, sexual minority, and completed undergrad back in 2014 as a Human Biology major at UC San Diego (cGPA of 2.8, sGPA of 2.72) and did the majority of my lower divs at community college after having to move back home due to some family deaths and shaky mental health. I had given up on ever becoming a doctor but recently have been in the mindset of wanting to pick this back up (even if I am 30 now) and earn what might be a miracle. Since 2014 I joined an AmeriCorps education-based non-profit (City Year) and have earned my way up the ranks to be a Program Director in the 8 years I have been in this sector. I know there are a lot of transferable experiences that can be an asset to a potential future career in the medical field, but not sure where to even start with things, should medical school even be an option for me. Post bacc? Masters in Public Health? SMP? Yikes! Any and all advice is welcome (even about this post being better suited somewhere else). Thank you so much!

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Hello all! Long story short I am first-gen, sexual minority, and completed undergrad back in 2014 as a Human Biology major at UC San Diego (cGPA of 2.8, sGPA of 2.72) and did the majority of my lower divs at community college after having to move back home due to some family deaths and shaky mental health. I had given up on ever becoming a doctor but recently have been in the mindset of wanting to pick this back up (even if I am 30 now) and earn what might be a miracle. Since 2014 I joined an AmeriCorps education-based non-profit (City Year) and have earned my way up the ranks to be a Program Director in the 8 years I have been in this sector. I know there are a lot of transferable experiences that can be an asset to a potential future career in the medical field, but not sure where to even start with things, should medical school even be an option for me. Post bacc? Masters in Public Health? SMP? Yikes! Any and all advice is welcome (even about this post being better suited somewhere else). Thank you so much!

Your first step is to gain clinical experience (either paid or on a volunteer basis) in addition to shadowing a primary care physician for a week or two. Your clinical experience will help inform whether you like being around patients and working in a healthcare setting; shadowing will allow you to explore if medicine specifically is a good fit for you.

If, after gaining clincial experience and shadowing, you decide this is in fact the right path for you, you should then start looking into SMPs or DIY postbacs to boost your uGPA.