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5+ Year Member
Jan 7, 2018
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Hello all!
I am an SPTA, currently prepping to take the NPTE-PTA in April 2018. I am currently using Scorebuilders as my study guide, and I just want to get a feel for how people have done in the past on the NPTE for PTA's and if there are any other people out there taking the exam in April as well.
What I am doing right now is running off of my first practice exam score from Scorebuilders (which is my starting point), and from there I am reading the guide, cover to cover, for the next 3 months, taking any notes of things that I feel I need to study and taking practice exams every 3 weeks or so. I am saving my PEAT exam for February so I can see where I am at with things, and I am saving the second PEAT for a couple weeks before the actual exam. The problem I am running into right now is trying to figure out how I am going ingest all of the information in the study guide. I feel like it is a lot to take in, but at the same time I know a little more than half of it. I really could use some guidance on how to tackle everything before the exam, with plenty of time to study. I also have considered using the basecamp thing from Scorebuilders, but I am hesitant to do so because I haven't been able to find reviews for it online. I an best at studying when I have a schedule to follow week to week, and maybe the basecamp would be a good fit for me? I'm not sure exactly, which is why I am posting this to the forum lol

For the people in the past, how was your practice exam scores, how'd you study for the exam, and are there any words of advice that I could use to help me pass in April?

For the people taking the exam in April, how are you preparing, are you prepping with a long duration of time or a short during of time, and is this your first time taking it? Any other details about your studying would help me feel a little more confident about what I am doing.

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Hi, I used Scorebuilders during my review, but I also used TherapyEd by O'Sullivan. Having read two books plus PEAT helped me a lot. To be honest, my practice scores weren't so great at first, but it got better as the exam approached. It is very overwhelming and I don't think there is ever enough time to feel you're ready. I reviewed for about 12 weeks, so I'm sure you'll do just fine. Stay on a strict schedule and try to review the basics as well. Best of luck to you!