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5+ Year Member
Jan 31, 2018
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NJ Resident with several DO acceptances, wanted help choosing between NSU and Rowan. I want to leave NJ, but still am unsure which school is more competitive/has better residency matches/board scores/opportunities- disregarding cost of attendance (because I've realized med school is expensive, regardless)

I was accepted to both schools, and am having some difficulty just picking one.

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But dont y'all think that a lot of the boards scoring depends on the student? Like of course the school has some say, but the individual student has to put in the effort, and from current med students, it seems like personal effort is 80% of the equation.

Ofcourse I think declining scores are concerning, but I also think your first two years depend on your personal efforts a lot more than trends from past years. This is just what I think, but still, for some reason im leaning toward NSU. Maybe because of their ties with hospitals, and the generous donation they received, and the research opps.

Any thoughts?
But dont y'all think that a lot of the boards scoring depends on the student? Like of course the school has some say, but the individual student has to put in the effort, and from current med students, it seems like personal effort is 80% of the equation.

Ofcourse I think declining scores are concerning, but I also think your first two years depend on your personal efforts a lot more than trends from past years. This is just what I think, but still, for some reason im leaning toward NSU. Maybe because of their ties with hospitals, and the generous donation they received, and the research opps.

Any thoughts?
It also depends on dedicated study time given by the school.
But dont y'all think that a lot of the boards scoring depends on the student? Like of course the school has some say, but the individual student has to put in the effort, and from current med students, it seems like personal effort is 80% of the equation.

Ofcourse I think declining scores are concerning, but I also think your first two years depend on your personal efforts a lot more than trends from past years. This is just what I think, but still, for some reason im leaning toward NSU. Maybe because of their ties with hospitals, and the generous donation they received, and the research opps.

Any thoughts?

In general, I'm a believer that board scores should line up roughly with the quality of applicants that you pull in.

As an example:
School A has a Step 1 average of 235. Their average matriculant is 3.5/509.
School B has a Step 1 average of 236. Their average matriculant is 3.9/516.

School A is either doing something very right or school B is doing something very wrong. Either way, I'm a strong believer that the school makes an impact here. This is a real example with the names of the schools hidden.

NSUCOM is an established school with a solid matriculant. They should be doing better than s*** tier.
I'd definitely choose Rowan, a lot less uncertainty. Unless you already placed both deposits for NSU you could still be placed at Clearwater campus that is just opening up and know absolutely nothing about the school you will be attending/ future rotation sites. You'll have plenty of opportunity to leave NJ after a few years of you being absurdly busy any way
still really conflicted....GAH i have no idea what to do, and I dont know when the traffic dates for DO acceptances are? Does anyone know if we need to decide on a specific program by a certain date, if we're accepted and have payed deposits to several schools?
still really conflicted....GAH i have no idea what to do, and I dont know when the traffic dates for DO acceptances are? Does anyone know if we need to decide on a specific program by a certain date, if we're accepted and have payed deposits to several schools?
Well, on the other hand is awesome that you have 2 great options to choose from! Congrats 🙂
Well, on the other hand is awesome that you have 2 great options to choose from! Congrats 🙂

Thanks! lol, im trying to get a hold of the most recent match details for each school...maybe that'll help me. Ultimately i want to match back in NJ or NY, lets see what happens
Thanks! lol, im trying to get a hold of the most recent match details for each school...maybe that'll help me. Ultimately i want to match back in NJ or NY, lets see what happens
At the Accepted Student Day at Rowan that said it was almost 100%, only one student didn't match yet, but they have until June to be placed somewhere. I would like to see the list too, please share if you find it. Thanks
At the Accepted Student Day at Rowan that said it was almost 100%, only one student didn't match yet, but they have until June to be placed somewhere. I would like to see the list too, please share if you find it. Thanks

Hey, do you maybe want to talk through the pros and cons via message? Feel free to message me