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Is NYCOM mac friendly? LECOM's matriculation packet states they are not...

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Is NYCOM mac friendly? LECOM's matriculation packet states they are not...

This year it is 90% friendly.. The only things that wont work on a MAC is the streaming videos. Unless you install windows on your mac in that case there are no problems. I didnt want windows on my mac but I havent found it to be a problem since NYCOM lets you take out Laptops from the Medical Library for free when you need them. We did get an email this year from the technology director saying that NYCOM will be switching providers for their streaming videos next year, therefore next years class should be 100% compatible. I have a mac and have never had a problem though
There are plenty of people using macs at LECOM and none appear to be having any problems. I think the "official" reason is that if you need tech support they don't "officially" help you out.