Hey everyone,
I am a current 1st year, and I was searching on google for the student council website and came across this thread. I haven't been on studentdoctor since I was applying, and I remember how much of a resource it was to me back then, so I figured I'd give you all a shout. Congrats on getting in! and if you're waitlisted, try not to stress too bad because it is true that people do get in off of it.
RoJo (who if its who I'm thinking of, is one of my good friends here) covered it pretty well above, but if you guys have any other questions about student life here or revisit or anything feel free to shoot me an email...
you all have big decisions to make but what it all comes down to is this:
Do you want to have a great education?
Do you want to have the best, most exciting location a medical school in the US can offer, with the biggest city at your fingertips?
Do you want a public/private clinical experience that allows you to see the spectrum of patients?
Do you want to have a LIFE OUTSIDE OF MEDICAL SCHOOL? (shameless plug for my band, made up of 5 first years:
Do you want more subspecialty, sports, or extracurricular clubs than you would know what to do with?
Do you NOT want to be forced to do research, if you don't want to (there is graduating with honors available, but no mandatory research requirement)?
sorry to sound like an admissions officer or whatnot, but I really do love it here and I'm so glad I ended up where I am...enjoy the last few months of school and summer!