NYU Med, Class of 2013!

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Hey guys! i didn't get to attend 2nd look, did they give out match lists by any chance?

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Hey guys! i didn't get to attend 2nd look, did they give out match lists by any chance?

They did give out the match list for the class of 2009 - some people discussed it a little a few posts back in this thread.
Whats up everybody, I just got in off of the waitlist this morning and I'm really excited to be considering NYU!

I have a question about cost, at quite a few schools, I've noticed an increase in tuition/fees for third year, sometimes third and fourth......does NYU have that same kind of bump? Or is the cost of attendance amount quoted on the website stay consistent for all four years? (~60kish/year)
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To the current medical students... what are tests like (essays, multiple choice, T/F, mix)? I just want a general idea.

To the members of the class of 2013... are any females looking to get a suite in Rubin Hall with a roommate?
scean, yeah the bump is because tghe number of months you are enrolled changes from 9/10 to 12.
scean, yeah the bump is because tghe number of months you are enrolled changes from 9/10 to 12.

So do you have a number for each year? Mind posting it?

Does the bump come from tuition? Or just increased living allowances? Because I think I could live for 12 months on their allowance if I stay in Rubin.
So do you have a number for each year? Mind posting it?

Does the bump come from tuition? Or just increased living allowances? Because I think I could live for 12 months on their allowance if I stay in Rubin.
i dont have NYU's numbers but i remember this from a number of schools' financial aid presentations during interview day.
Just submitted my deposit 👍
ha nice ar2388! I'm sure that is a big relief. Are you going to be far from the medical center?

Also, any current NYU students want to chime in on the opportunities/possibilities of getting some sort of scholarship as a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year? If you do well do these opportunities exist?

Also are there any sort of paid research positions or even "tech" positions you can work during the summers? I know a med student down here in GA who worked as an anesthesia tech during 3rd and 4th year. Just curious to see if there are ways to combat the massive cost of heading up to NYU.
ha nice ar2388! I'm sure that is a big relief. Are you going to be far from the medical center?

Also, any current NYU students want to chime in on the opportunities/possibilities of getting some sort of scholarship as a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year? If you do well do these opportunities exist?

Also are there any sort of paid research positions or even "tech" positions you can work during the summers? I know a med student down here in GA who worked as an anesthesia tech during 3rd and 4th year. Just curious to see if there are ways to combat the massive cost of heading up to NYU.
nope, ill be within walking distance which was our goal in searching. ill be right around 24th and 3rd. would hate to get more specific than that LOL
and also for anyone who knows, but the scholarship you get as a 1st year, is that for all 4 years provided your situation doesnt change?
By when do we need to accept our loans on the fin aid website?
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hey guys,
does anyone know to what address we need to send our official transcripts?
What's up everybody,

I am officially a member of the class of 2013! I was having a really hard time figuring out where I should go, but this morning I received my financial aid package complete with a scholarship! Nothing crazy like a full ride or anything but definitley made my decision much easier. See all of you in a few months 👍 NYC BOUND!
What's up everybody,

I am officially a member of the class of 2013! I was having a really hard time figuring out where I should go, but this morning I received my financial aid package complete with a scholarship! Nothing crazy like a full ride or anything but definitley made my decision much easier. See all of you in a few months 👍 NYC BOUND!
congrats on the scholarship!!! so we will see you come august??
sorry to all those waiting on the match list. Just got back from the Caribbean and will send it tonight.
hey can someone send me the match list as well? thanks.
Can I also join in on the match list info? Pretty please, anyone?
I haven't gotten it 🙁 Can someone please send it to me? Thanks!
I want my email address. And, I want the free antivirus. Mine expired. When are they going to send us this stuff?
i want my email too!!
btw for antivirus, you guys shoudl check out pandacloud.. its a new thing and doesnt slow down your computer like most antivirus software.

i finally moved into the neighborhood 🙂 its a fantastic place to live
I received an acceptance email earlier this week! I'm really excited to get in off the wait list, but they only give us two weeks to decide. Just wondering if they get the wait listed applicants the financial info before they need to decide? Is it included with the snail mail acceptance letter?
Hey Stplayr,

First off congrats! And good luck with your decision. Here is my experience with financial aid timing.

I was accepted in may, I received an email the same day as my acceptance from Tahmia Brevard discussing financial aid which directed me to this link http://www.nyu.edu/financial.aid The email also included the UID number I needed to request a PIN # and eventually to log in. I took about a week for my PIN to be set up. Once I was able to log into the website it took another few days for my "accept awards" tab to come up which indicates that your aid has been processed and you can then choose from the loans and/or scholarships offered.

So in short I received my financial aid about 10 days after my acceptance.

Hope this helps
Hey guys,

Definitely going to NYU so just sent my transcript in. A couple questions, do they want transcripts for each school I've attended or just my final transcripts? I took a couple random classes at a community college and another university closer to my home, but all those grades are on my official transcript from the university I graduated from. Does that one school suffice or do I need to send all 3?

Secondly, does anyone know the exact address of where the lecture halls are? I'm debating getting an apartment in the area instead of staying at Rubin, but I'll only do it if it's walkable.

Hey guys,

Definitely going to NYU so just sent my transcript in. A couple questions, do they want transcripts for each school I've attended or just my final transcripts? I took a couple random classes at a community college and another university closer to my home, but all those grades are on my official transcript from the university I graduated from. Does that one school suffice or do I need to send all 3?

Secondly, does anyone know the exact address of where the lecture halls are? I'm debating getting an apartment in the area instead of staying at Rubin, but I'll only do it if it's walkable.

hey secret thats awesome that youre getting a place!!!! lecture halls are closer to 28th i believe? i would look for a place somewhere between say 20th and 35th-ish and probablly no further west than park maybe.
i actually just moved to a place on 24th between 2nd and 3rd and i think thats a pretty ideal location for living 🙂 good luck and congrats!!!!
Hey guys,

Definitely going to NYU so just sent my transcript in. A couple questions, do they want transcripts for each school I've attended or just my final transcripts? I took a couple random classes at a community college and another university closer to my home, but all those grades are on my official transcript from the university I graduated from. Does that one school suffice or do I need to send all 3?

Secondly, does anyone know the exact address of where the lecture halls are? I'm debating getting an apartment in the area instead of staying at Rubin, but I'll only do it if it's walkable.


If all the courses you have taken are on your undergraduate college transcript, then just submit that one. If there are courses that you have taken that are not on your undergraduate transcript, then submit those transcripts for each school. Hope this helps!

I was also wondering, have they posted the first year calendar yet? Or for those of you who've been accepted for longer, have they sent out that information? The link on the website isn't working for me.
What I want is a housing assignment, too. I mean, if I'm not getting school housing, I'd really like to know that. Like, Right Now.
From what I know (which isn't much) the housing assignment will probably go out pretty late from our viewpoint, mid julyish BUT, I am almost completely sure that the school guarantees first year students on campus housing assuming you fill out the appropriate paperwork and turn in the deposit on time.

I remember my tour guide saying how she got in late, and even requested Rubin for the cheap rent but Rubin was full so they gave her the studio across the street (greenburg?) at the rubin price 😱
From what I know (which isn't much) the housing assignment will probably go out pretty late from our viewpoint, mid julyish BUT, I am almost completely sure that the school guarantees first year students on campus housing assuming you fill out the appropriate paperwork and turn in the deposit on time.

I remember my tour guide saying how she got in late, and even requested Rubin for the cheap rent but Rubin was full so they gave her the studio across the street (greenburg?) at the rubin price 😱
From what I know (which isn't much) the housing assignment will probably go out pretty late from our viewpoint, mid julyish BUT, I am almost completely sure that the school guarantees first year students on campus housing assuming you fill out the appropriate paperwork and turn in the deposit on time.

I remember my tour guide saying how she got in late, and even requested Rubin for the cheap rent but Rubin was full so they gave her the studio across the street (greenburg?) at the rubin price 😱
does anyone have a "biographical sketch" listed in documents in the financial aid site?? i havent received anything in the mail but its been up there for quite a while...
does anyone have a "biographical sketch" listed in documents in the financial aid site?? i havent received anything in the mail but its been up there for quite a while...

Hey ar2388! Yes, I also have the same message and was told by Phyllis at financial aid to not worry about that until I get more information in the mail. I haven't received anything yet, either. So, no worries 🙂
Hey ar2388! Yes, I also have the same message and was told by Phyllis at financial aid to not worry about that until I get more information in the mail. I haven't received anything yet, either. So, no worries 🙂
ah thank you 🙂
also, i accept my awards and loans and whatever but every now and then i check back and i have to reaccept it again.. and it seems like i can modify the amounts if i wanted (although i dont)....do you have that too?
ah thank you 🙂
also, i accept my awards and loans and whatever but every now and then i check back and i have to reaccept it again.. and it seems like i can modify the amounts if i wanted (although i dont)....do you have that too?

Yes, I do actually! I called them about that and they said that it must be a glitch in the system. I, too, have accepted, but then I see that I have a "pending" message with the option of adjusting the award amounts (which I also never do adjust, either). I think it's just the system playing mean tricks!
has anyoen received anything recently by fedex? i missed a fedex envelope delivery 3 times and i have no idea what it could be except maybe something from NYU....
hey, to current nyu students, do you use a backpack and/or carry a lot of things?
Could someone PM me the match list? Thanks in advance 🙂
Hey, has anyone gotten the orientation packet yet?
Hey, has anyone gotten the orientation packet yet?
i did. i also got a letter with forms for registration.

if anyone can help me out with this question id love it:
the health insurance that NYU is offering is only for peple who do not have any health insurance?