NYU Med, Class of 2013!

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I still don't have mine, can anyone let me know what's in it?


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I feel that the housing lottery is only going to yield one option... small single dorm. Still excited anyways and can't wait to hear which floor. When housing assignments get posted we'll have to see if any of us are on the same floor.

I also saw the facebook group is having a lunch next weekend I believe if you're in the area.
i finally made an appt to see my doc to get those blood tests... jsut realized its almost mid july and its due aug 5th lol
is anyone waiving the health insurance nyu offers?
I am waiving the health insurance since my papa has good insurance through his employer and he has applied and succeeded in getting me "out of network" coverage. 👍
oh and lets hear some housing assignments, I haven't received mine yet, sooo i gotta live vicariously
oh and lets hear some housing assignments, I haven't received mine yet, sooo i gotta live vicariously
yeah a bunch of people from the facebook nyu class of 2013 group got their assignment.
what did you choose as a first choice?
hey has anyone heard what our schedule will be like next year in terms of hours per day??
Does anyone know if the rubin dorms have wifi or if we need to be plugged into the Ethernet cord?
Heyy everyone! I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind posting a ballpark figure of what the average financial aid package looks like for a first year. I was looking through the MSAR, and I can't understand how NYU could have a lower average indebtedness than the SUNYs when the tuition, even for out of staters, is so much lower at the SUNYs. I can't see cost of living being lower in say, Stony Brook or Buffalo than NYC. The only thing I could think of if it's not that NYU doesn't give a lot of grants/scholarships would be that a lot of students pay out of pocket and totally skew the average.

Thanks and good luck with the coming year!
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Financial aid is need based at NYU. If you need it your package could contain $30,000+ in scholarships. Financial requirements would have to be that your parents and yourself make little to no money. Below the $45,000 average family income.

Cost of attendance is around $58,729. If you have no scholarships then it is all loans.
wow I wish my premed advisors would have told me that last year! i loved everything about the school, but my advisors insisted there'd probably be no way I could afford it. anyone know if they take transfers :/
ar2388 since you seem to be the most knowledgeable about nyu haha, do you know what classes we'll be taking in the fall?
Sign into your email, and their is a link for your calendar/curriculum. You can view the different sections of each course. Check it out on nyuonsitehealth.org.

Also the .pdf posted above has a brief overview of the different courses.
wait, somebody one fb said we won't take anatomy until the spring? i'm not familiar with the new curriculum, if there is one starting our year, so can somebody fill me in? just curious. thanks!
i believe they mentioned in the revisit that they pushed anatomy to the spring... i was looking for my 2nd look info but i cant find it anywhere.... does anyone else remember this or did i dream it or something? 🙁
Sign into your email, and their is a link for your calendar/curriculum. You can view the different sections of each course. Check it out on nyuonsitehealth.org.

Also the .pdf posted above has a brief overview of the different courses.

seriously?!?! thats amazing! thank you. im gonna go check it out now.

edit: I only see calendar and its just a blank calendar.. am i looking in the wrong place?
ar2388 since you seem to be the most knowledgeable about nyu haha, do you know what classes we'll be taking in the fall?

haha im just really curious and excited!!
I'm pretty sure they told us anatomy would start right after Thanksgiving break at 2nd look, but they were so vague about the details of the curriculum that who knows...
I'm pretty sure they told us anatomy would start right after Thanksgiving break at 2nd look, but they were so vague about the details of the curriculum that who knows...
right.. something like that but definitely not in the first few months of school
Sign into your email, and their is a link for your calendar/curriculum. You can view the different sections of each course. Check it out on nyuonsitehealth.org.

Also the .pdf posted above has a brief overview of the different courses.

i don't see this either...all i see is my microsoft exchange with a calendar i'm supposed fill in. i tried the VPN and the Link, but i don't see anything in them either. also, where is this .pdf posted above? just really curious to see what we'll be doing this fall! thanks!
ooo!!! if you click onsite health VPN instead of outlook mail we have another student portal!! although i could not access "Academics - 1st year (wiki)"... my email address wasnt recognized 🙁
Your student portal has a program called ALEX. ALEX contains the course syllabi, notes, quizzes, and lectures.

Sorry for the vagueness of the above post.
anyone have any thoughts on choosing between the 13 and 15 inch Mac....I am torn here.
anyone have any thoughts on choosing between the 13 and 15 inch Mac....I am torn here.

hey mamapapa, i was torn between them as well. but in the end i went with the 13 because i came from a 17 and i wanted something as small as possible (both in terms of size and weight) but not tiny, so i can bring it with me anywhere i go in the city. i actually just got my 13 macbook pro today, and i feel like its screen size is just right (not too small, not too big). i even went to the apple store several times to compare the 13, 15, and 17 side-by-side, and my gut was telling me to go with the 13. to be fair, i entered the laptop market with a bias: i knew i wanted the smallest reasonable screen size coming from a heavy 17 screen laptop for four years of undergrad. good luck choosing!
I got a 15" MBP, and I love it. Also you can get an external screen if you think 13" is too small. That way you have a large screen in your apartment to write papers or use a lot of programs at once. I hook it up to my 42" plasma so I can play some of my old Sega and N64 games.
anyone else starting to freak out?
im starting to freak out.
anyone else starting to freak out?
im starting to freak out.

Thank God I'm not the only one! Yes, I, too, am starting to freak out! Reality is starting to set in.....just 2.5 weeks before classes begin!!! AHHH!!!
Thank God I'm not the only one! Yes, I, too, am starting to freak out! Reality is starting to set in.....just 2.5 weeks before classes begin!!! AHHH!!!
have you seen the schedule on ALex?
No I haven't actually...why is it scary?
it seems like we have class from 9am until somewhere between 3 and 430pm every day, mon-fri, with exams every 2-3 weeks usually on a monday or friday.
it seems like we have class from 9am until somewhere between 3 and 430pm every day, mon-fri, with exams every 2-3 weeks usually on a monday or friday.

WHOA!!! That is scary! :wow:
what are you guys wearing tomorrow?