Public health school can be very easy to get into, sometimes even for the top programs . . . so "stellar rep" doesn't carry much weight, though I'd consider the stellar rep programs to be JHU/UNC, Harvard, Emory, Tulane, Columbia schools like that . . . not BU.
Even at the top schools, is it worth it to pay $$$$ for a degree you can get cheaper elsewhere for a fraction of the cost? BU has a reputation squarely in the middle of the most known schools, but they charge a lot.
BU also churns out semi-worthlesss degrees for premeds, to boost their application to med school and often times these degrees don't help. There's a strange business-like attitude at BU were they talk about the product (degree) and the customer (student), based on people I'be known who have gone there. And they ask students to unabashedly promote the public health school.
It's as close to being the sociopathic businessman's version of public health school as there is out there. A lot of bluster, and not a lot of substance. If you think there should be a greater purpose, and a higher calling, to do public health beyond just a way to support yourself, BU might not be for you.
Sorry about the typo, I meant to say BU cranks out a lot of degrees