Observation Hours

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5+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2018
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What is a good number of PT observation hours to have? Most schools I see want around 50-100 in multiple places, but this is only a minimum. How many did people do to be able to be accepted into a program? Thank you!!

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I actually did around 200. What matters is the amount of the settings you have. Once you are in a particular setting, the day to day gets quite repetitive and boring and there isn't much you can learn in a long run. The hardest is in-patient, it took me about 2 months of searching to secure in-patient volunteering. I did 100+ in-patient, than rest outpatient, including home care.
I actually did around 200. What matters is the amount of the settings you have. Once you are in a particular setting, the day to day gets quite repetitive and boring and there isn't much you can learn in a long run. The hardest is in-patient, it took me about 2 months of searching to secure in-patient volunteering. I did 100+ in-patient, than rest outpatient, including home care.
Right now I am doing in-patient at a veteran's center, and will be doing in-patient at a nursing home, and most likely an out-patient here and there
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Right now I am doing in-patient at a veteran's center, and will be doing in-patient at a nursing home, and most likely an out-patient here and there
Great! Than your set! Make sure you realllllyy bond with PTs ur volunteering for, so that they can write your recommendations. Dont hang up too much on it, i think as long as you have variety and those are mixed settings, schools will be happy with it! Good luck!
Focus on getting as many diverse settings as possible and also having a good relationship with a few PTs for recommendations.