COMLEX Official 2019 Comlex 1 Experiences and Scores Thread

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Jun 19, 2018
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It's that time of the year. Anyone took new Comsae recently? Hopefully it's more predicitve than old ones that were all over the place - like +/- 100 points.
Also, interesting to hear if this years comlex is indeed changed? If anyone took it recently - please share your experience. Especially if you can compare it to previous year one.

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comsae 103: 354
Comsae 105 (two weeks out): 405

comlex: 525

used COMBANK only (finished the whole qbank)

I know uworld is gold for most but if you’re like me and did not find it helpful do not despair- you can still pass and do ok
Hey when did you take 103?

COMLEX (taken July 11): 584
Step 1: (taken July 25): 246

Idk how to compare or make use of these scores other than knowing my Step 1 score is better than my COMLEX score. TBH, I wasn't fully ready in terms of content reviewing when I took the COMLEX, which is probably why there is a discrepancy in scores. I was planning on applying to MD residencies anyways, but nothing too competitive specialty-wise. Looking to go to an academic residency program though, leaning towards either EM, IM, or possibly surgery, but idk how my COMLEX scores stack up against those specialties or if the PDs care about my score.

Thoughts: COMLEX succs.

For Reference:
COMSAE ASA105 (Late May? it was administered by our school): 530
NBME 21 (5/26/19): 202
NBME 18 (6/19/19); was expiring so took it early): 217
NBME 19 (6/22/19): 219
NBME 24 (7/05/19): 240
UWSA 1 (7/14/19): 245
NBME 20 (7/18/19): 238
UWSA 2 (7/23/19): 245
Free 120 (7/24/19): 86%
UWorld Percentage: 79.7% (dropped during the last 2 weeks, kinda freaked out; also had ~150 Q left to do)
Kaplan Percentage: ~73% (used as a learning and throwaway Qbank)
COMBANK ~175 questions done (filtered to specifically for micro, OMM, ethics, biostats): ~83%
Hey when did you take 103?
i took 103 two months out before any board prep (outside of class studying) so that was my baseline.
two months out doesnt mean i studied straight for two months (unfortunately): my school wasted four of those weeks with a mandatory prep course (wildly unhelpful) and i also had to move halfway through. and i legit thought i failed my exam.
i took 103 two months out before any board prep (outside of class studying) so that was my baseline.
two months out doesnt mean i studied straight for two months (unfortunately): my school wasted four of those weeks with a mandatory prep course (wildly unhelpful) and i also had to move halfway through. and i legit thought i failed my exam.
And yeah feeling the same way
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I’m on the fence about it. I’ve really enjoyed the first month of surgery, but not sure it’s worth chasing it down with a 225/550. Probably would’ve gone all in for it with a 230+
Can only provide an anecdote but I know some former DO programs are fine with just a passing comlex. Someone at my school matched with a low 400s.
Can only provide an anecdote but I know some former DO programs are fine with just a passing comlex. Someone at my school matched with a low 400s.

Haha well I may yet chase it down. There’s just something of a rush having your hands/arms in a belly. Possible that I’m just strange though
I pushed Step 1 because I thought I could study during my easy rotations this semester....NOT!

I'm gonna get demolished for this lol, but what's open (mostly previous AOA) with COMLEX only 576?
I pushed Step 1 because I thought I could study during my easy rotations this semester....NOT!

I'm gonna get demolished for this lol, but what's open (mostly previous AOA) with COMLEX only 576?
Search the interactive charting outcomes. There is an option to set "step 1 score" to nothing. So you can see the % of people who matched with only COMLEX

Search the interactive charting outcomes. There is an option to set "step 1 score" to nothing. So you can see the % of people who matched with only COMLEX

That’s pre-merger NRMP data, isn’t it? I don’t understand why DO students are using this so much right now, especially to look at competitive stuff.
That’s pre-merger NRMP data, isn’t it? I don’t understand why DO students are using this so much right now, especially to look at competitive stuff.
No **** it's pre-merger, the merger hasn't happened yet.
You don't understand why DO students are "using this so much right now"? It's the only data we have. Also why are you in the COMLEX thread if you're not a DO student?
No **** it's pre-merger, the merger hasn't happened yet.
You don't understand why DO students are "using this so much right now"? It's the only data we have. Also why are you in the COMLEX thread if you're not a DO student?
I am a DO student, cool your jets. I’m just saying using this data if you don’t want to take Step or want something competitive (needing AOA data) seems pointless. People are acting like it’s a magic 8 ball for WAMC.
That’s pre-merger NRMP data, isn’t it? I don’t understand why DO students are using this so much right now, especially to look at competitive stuff.

Because it’s the best we have. I’m also pretty sure everyone is aware it is next to useless for the super competitive specialties where most everyone went AOA. General surgery is not really one of those fields and the NRMP data is still valuable, even if it is not perfect.
Becoming far less common. Most programs I’m aware of (former FM AOA to ACGME) have become a lot more competitive and a 450+ is required at the minimum unless you were a stellar candidate who rotated with them. Failed attempts are screened out automatically. Keep in mind this is a very average community program with rotations in crime riddled neighborhoods.
I’m only providing an anecdote of one person who got several interviews via auditions. They matched in 2019.
Becoming far less common. Most programs I’m aware of (former FM AOA to ACGME) have become a lot more competitive and a 450+ is required at the minimum unless you were a stellar candidate who rotated with them. Failed attempts are screened out automatically. Keep in mind this is a very average community program with rotations in crime riddled neighborhoods.

Oh joy. With my 458 i cant wait to get shanked while walking into work.

In all seriousness though. I've worked at Duke, Creighton, Wake Forest Baptist, Moses Cone Health, and Mission Health. Most large hospitals are in the arm pits of the city. You guys getting 800s and 250s are still gonna work in the ghetto. Sorry.
Oh joy. With my 458 i cant wait to get shanked while walking into work.

In all seriousness though. I've worked at Duke, Creighton, Wake Forest Baptist, Moses Cone Health, and Mission Health. Most large hospitals are in the arm pits of the city. You guys getting 800s and 250s are still gonna work in the ghetto. Sorry.

Yeah I don’t know why that idea was quasi brought up above. A vast majority of teaching hospitals are “in the ghetto.”
People who shared scores what percentage of questions did you feel you got correct when you walked out?
682, there were only 3-4 q/block I wasn’t 100% on

I totally understand why you want to know but it’s a very hard way to predict it.

I got a 676 and felt comfortable with 50% of my answers.

The above poster was obviously much more confident than me and we got somewhat similar scores.

Just know it’s hard to predict based on how you feel, so try not to think about your scores too much because it won’t change anything! Hope it goes well!
Its really hard to gage the percent correct after an exam. Most people feel they did alot worse than they actually do.

The academic advisor at my COM said that roughly a ~50% is a pass for comlex in the past, though that may be changing.
COMSAE D (6 months before COMLEX): 403
COMSAE E (5 weeks before COMLEX): 568

I seriously couldn't be happier. After the initial COMSAE (both administered by my school), it was estimated that I would get around 530, so I started board prep then & didn't watch lecture anymore. After my second COMSAE, I had to change my goals & put them highter lmao. They were hard months, and I know that a lot of people still did much better than I did, but I'm still excited.

Tell me more about these hard months..
What is a good score on this thing? Do you guys think percentiles will be similar to past years? I’d like to match into ortho.

Comlex: 662
Step 1: 249

If you are trying to match a former AOA-to-ACGME ortho program (idk if there are any that were able to be converted?), I think you have a pretty good shot. If you are trying to match ACGME, that's going to be a big uphill battle due to the merger.
What is a good score on this thing? Do you guys think percentiles will be similar to past years? I’d like to match into ortho.

Comlex: 662
Step 1: 249
What was the standard deviation like on your score report? I took mine in June and my report showed a SD around 40 when it is typically closer to 80. This put my 651 at almost 2.5 sd above the mean (99th percentile). While I feel I did pretty well on the exam, I'm a bit skeptical that I did better than 99 out of 100 students. If anyone knows people from last year who are willing to share their score reports, we could get an idea of how close the graphs are to the final percentile numbers.
What was the standard deviation like on your score report? I took mine in June and my report showed a SD around 40 when it is typically closer to 80. This put my 651 at almost 2.5 sd above the mean (99th percentile). While I feel I did pretty well on the exam, I'm a bit skeptical that I did better than 99 out of 100 students. If anyone knows people from last year who are willing to share their score reports, we could get an idea of how close the graphs are to the final percentile numbers.

I also took it in June and that isn’t what mine showed.
What was the standard deviation like on your score report? I took mine in June and my report showed a SD around 40 when it is typically closer to 80. This put my 651 at almost 2.5 sd above the mean (99th percentile). While I feel I did pretty well on the exam, I'm a bit skeptical that I did better than 99 out of 100 students. If anyone knows people from last year who are willing to share their score reports, we could get an idea of how close the graphs are to the final percentile numbers.

Those number don't add up. If the SD was 40 and avg was 550 then that means that the pass rate is 100%...
comsae 103: 354
Comsae 105 (two weeks out): 405

comlex: 525

used COMBANK only (finished the whole qbank)

I know uworld is gold for most but if you’re like me and did not find it helpful do not despair- you can still pass and do ok
what did you do in the 2 weeks that you felt could have bumped up your score. I'm in a similar boat, taking the test in 2 weeks
Those number don't add up. If the SD was 40 and avg was 550 then that means that the pass rate is 100%...
Those were the numbers I had for first time takers who passed on my chart, but for all takers it was only slightly lower (545ish with a SD around 50). Either way those numbers would still indicate that less than 1% of takers failed. I also find this odd and it's why I'm curious about how accurate the graphs were for previous classes.
What was the standard deviation like on your score report? I took mine in June and my report showed a SD around 40 when it is typically closer to 80. This put my 651 at almost 2.5 sd above the mean (99th percentile). While I feel I did pretty well on the exam, I'm a bit skeptical that I did better than 99 out of 100 students. If anyone knows people from last year who are willing to share their score reports, we could get an idea of how close the graphs are to the final percentile numbers.

I’ve compared mine to a few other classmates with the same release date... we were thinking 550ish for the average and maybe close to 80 for the sd. Mine looks over 2 sds from the mean. Have a buddy that’s in the mid 700s and his looks over 3sd over.
what did you do in the 2 weeks that you felt could have bumped up your score. I'm in a similar boat, taking the test in 2 weeks

I genuinely think the COMSAEs under-predict and that is the main cause of the bump. But I chose to dedicate the final two weeks to only doing questions. I did about 200-300 COMBANK questions per day repeating the ones I got wrong, writing out a sentence for each wrong answer in a notebook that covered the concept and reviewing that daily. Sketchy micro when I needed a break from questions. I hope that helps and the biggest lesson I learned from the actual COMLEX is they're not out to trick you. If the answer seems obvious- it is.
Based on the percentile calculator from last year, 525 is 50th percentile, 615 is the 84th, and 705 is 97th. So SD was about 90 points and is probably the same or similar this year.
Was new comlex micro and pharm heavy? What about OMM and biostat or ethics? Can someone name top 3 heaviest subjects on test?
Just trying to gauge what should I go over last 2 weeks I have before test.
Was new comlex micro and pharm heavy? What about OMM and biostat or ethics? Can someone name top 3 heaviest subjects on test?
Just trying to gauge what should I go over last 2 weeks I have before test.

Definitely micro. FA micro section is absolute gold for a last minute review, but with 2 weeks left you could also brush up with sketchy. Pharm, neuro, msk are pretty high yield so if you have weaknesses in those areas I would address them. But micro is definitely the most high yield thing by far, if you are weak in micro it could really drag you down.
Definitely micro. FA micro section is absolute gold for a last minute review, but with 2 weeks left you could also brush up with sketchy. Pharm, neuro, msk are pretty high yield so if you have weaknesses in those areas I would address them. But micro is definitely the most high yield thing by far, if you are weak in micro it could really drag you down.

What type of msk stuff? Like is it sufficient to know the anatomy in FA or go through brs anatomy?