Official Countdown Thread........

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Feb 21, 2004
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Not that I took the MCAT or anything, this past August, but just because I feel like you all should have a thread like the one Crazy Cav had for us in April..........

Here it is, your official Countdown thread...................

As of now, you have 54 days, 3 hours, and 1 minute left til score release..........

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D: :D :luck: :luck:

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Scewby Doo 1973 said:
uh oh, i sense a familiar feeling--i'm about to be in trouble. *HIDES*

Don’t hide… Don’t hide… Don’t hide… Scewby Doo 1973 Because you are big enough and I can still you… the MCAT scores are just running after you!!! watch out?!
Enough from me on the countdown thread today!!!
Good time!!!
gozeemer said:
Gujudoc, they need to make you a mod, I see all over this place!!! :)

I was thinking the SAME thing!!!! I had to write that down before I go!!! :cool:
Scewby Doo 1973 said:
uh oh, i sense a familiar feeling--i'm about to be in trouble. *HIDES*
Awww...... Come back out! We like your nerd humor!
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DrJen said:
Awww...... Come back out! We like your nerd humor!

This nerd humors are necessary for survival until the MCAT scores... Come back Scewby Doo 1973..

How much time left??
Am i getting too nerdy about asking how much time left??
All I know is that it seems like FOREVER before we get our scores, and I had a bad dream the other night too, which has been haunting me :eek: . I had this dream that I woke up late on test day and i was freakin out cuz i missed the test and i tell my dad and he just says "eh, dont worry about it u'll take it next april no biggie" and i was freakin out and saying "NO NO NO! i cant, i studied all summer for this!!!", so i decided to call my friend and tell her the same thing and she says "dont worry about it we'll just take it next april". Im like screaming "doesnt anyone understand i dont wanna take it next april!!!!?!?!" then i woke up. ever since that i feel as if the dream was an omen telling me i didnt do good and i will b taking it for the THIRD time in april......i sure hope im wrong though :(
frany584 said:
All I know is that it seems like FOREVER before we get our scores, and I had a bad dream the other night too, which has been haunting me :eek: . I had this dream that I woke up late on test day and i was freakin out cuz i missed the test and i tell my dad and he just says "eh, dont worry about it u'll take it next april no biggie" and i was freakin out and saying "NO NO NO! i cant, i studied all summer for this!!!", so i decided to call my friend and tell her the same thing and she says "dont worry about it we'll just take it next april". Im like screaming "doesnt anyone understand i dont wanna take it next april!!!!?!?!" then i woke up. ever since that i feel as if the dream was an omen telling me i didnt do good and i will b taking it for the THIRD time in april......i sure hope im wrong though :(

I totally understand where you're coming from... let's just hope it doesn't come down to having to do this AGAIN... the first two times were bad enough.
ayznshorti said:
I totally understand where you're coming from... let's just hope it doesn't come down to having to do this AGAIN... the first two times were bad enough.

48 days
sans005 said:
seriously, the wait's a killer. :(

Most definately. I can't remember anything from this last mcat, but I remember alot of things from the apr mcat. W :eek: W talk about trauma. And the most nerve racking thing is that I have submitted like 5 secondaries so probably complete at these 5 schools, but they just threw my file to the side, so my file is waiting, I am waiting, my family is waiting, my friends are waiting, humanity is waiting :(
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47 days, in 3 hours and 15 minutes. Oh and for the record in 2 days, it will have been 2 weeks since you took the test. Hence it will be 6 weeks left to go. In essence, this means that one forth of the time you have had to wait will have been over, and only 3/4 of the wait period will be left. Ok, sorry for all the technical details. I just thought I'd throw that in there for the sake of it and to make you feel better that 2 weeks have gone by.

This week, since school started back up, has beennnnnn wayyyyyyyy tooooooooo hectic.
gujuDoc said:
47 days, in 3 hours and 15 minutes. Oh and for the record in 2 days, it will have been 2 weeks since you took the test. Hence it will be 6 weeks left to go. In essence, this means that one forth of the time you have had to wait will have been over, and only 3/4 of the wait period will be left. Ok, sorry for all the technical details. I just thought I'd throw that in there for the sake of it and to make you feel better that 2 weeks have gone by.

This week, since school started back up, has beennnnnn wayyyyyyyy tooooooooo hectic.

Hey you live in Tampa? I was just there to visit my sister:) So 48 days now huh...that means ive been pacing for 12 days...
gujuDoc said:
47 days left.

Thanks to god one less day is left….
<<<<<47 days left then?
So 46 days and some hours… some hours.. oh no hours!!!!
NapeSpikes said:
Seriously, your posts crack me up! I'm not even sure why! :laugh: :laugh:

Your posts just make my head go why NapeSpikes :D :laugh: ????
JustR said:
I was thinking the SAME thing!!!! I had to write that down before I go!!! :cool:

Nah, I'll leave it to A-man and Q.......

BTW, Q, if you are reading this..........

I think I'm starting to understand that whole Quintessence of Chemistry thing you were explainin to me. :D I have historical perspectives in chem this semester and we were reading about the old alchemy beliefs. Quite fascinating actually. Way more fascinating then taking a history course on something like American history one and two, anyhow. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
DesiMcatAcer said:

46 days online scores I guess, i think Im gonna wait for the scores to come in the mail and open it when Im ready...anyone else gonna do that?
Just wondering how u get the scores on line and how much earlier do they come out. Not that I am anxious for them.....just wondering :cool:
mcatsucks said:
Just wondering how u get the scores on line and how much earlier do they come out. Not that I am anxious for them.....just wondering :cool:

The scores come online exactly 60 days after the test, whereas they take an additional 5-7 days to appear in the mail.

I think it is better to get it over with, so you know where you stand. At least you'll know whether you need to retake or whether you are good to go.

I'm guessing it will come out around October 18th. That is my prediction.
I think ure rite about this because usually the scores are out before the date they actually say they will be out, so they usually give a date little late for just incase...but anyhow we will see when the wait finally ends!
45 days left to go.

Two weeks gone. 6 weeks left to go. :luck:

Yeah the 45 days are the number of days before the scores come online. They'll be given in the mail 5-7 days later.
had my first post-MCAT anxiety dream. I'm told that for the first time that people can retake the PS before august scores come out and the higher score will be counted. So I elect to do this and on question 8 I get confused because of a misbubble and spend remainder of the test trying to figure out where i made the misbubble in the 8 answers I completed.
sans005 said:
Dying to know my scores, and at the same time, hoping to avoid seeing them.

Don't worry... sometimes... people come out from the almost death.

When I was five, I fell off from a third story and on to the cement concrete. And, I am still alive after some time, and my neurons do fire.
I wonder if they fire much better if I did not fall off from that third story?
Or was it like I fell off and the dysfunctional part of my brain turned in to functional one... who knows??
gujuDoc said:
45 days left to go.

Two weeks gone. 6 weeks left to go. :luck:

Yeah the 45 days are the number of days before the scores come online. They'll be given in the mail 5-7 days later.

Since when GUJU changed the writing tone??

Guju… what happened to your writing where is that amazing rhythm and hyper-ness and knowing all the stuff disappearing into a depression one?

Did you take the August MCAT and now are worried and slowing down a little bit thinking there are still 45 days to go, huh??
stoleyerscrubz said:
had my first post-MCAT anxiety dream. I'm told that for the first time that people can retake the PS before august scores come out and the higher score will be counted. So I elect to do this and on question 8 I get confused because of a misbubble and spend remainder of the test trying to figure out where i made the misbubble in the 8 answers I completed.

:D :D :D
Don’t stress out… it was a funny dream... and won’t be true…. But sure indeed creative…
Have I just taken GUJU’s role and have become so hyper??
JustR said:
Since when GUJU changed the writing tone??

Guju… what happened to your writing where is that amazing rhythm and hyper-ness and knowing all the stuff disappearing into a depression one?

Did you take the August MCAT and now are worried and slowing down a little bit thinking there are still 45 days to go, huh??

No I didn't take it. I still gave the luck signs. :D :D

It just hard to convey tones through the internet. That's only easy with the face to face contact. :laugh:

Actually........I'm trying to be not too hyper, cuz I know there are a lot of people stressed out and I don't want my hyper tone to bother them. :p
gujuDoc said:
Actually........I'm trying to be not too hyper, cuz I know there are a lot of people stressed out and I don't want my hyper tone to bother them. :p
but we like your hyper writing style guju :D :D :D

we like the way you throw lots of smileys into every message :laugh:

lots and lots of emotion and emoticons, thats what we expect of gujudoc :p :laugh:
Arsenic810 said:
but we like your hyper writing style guju :D :D :D

we like the way you throw lots of smileys into every message :laugh:

lots and lots of emotion and emoticons, thats what we expect of gujudoc :p :laugh:

A-man just learned how to play with words and how to do wording. A-man seems to learn to use the Vague statements. Hurray… counting down to the MCAT…How much time left??
Arsenic810 said:
but we like your hyper writing style guju :D :D :D

we like the way you throw lots of smileys into every message :laugh:

lots and lots of emotion and emoticons, thats what we expect of gujudoc :p :laugh:

:p :p :p
wow, it's nerve wrecking looking at this thread...

I hope i did ok...
Sorry if I'm not being as excited right now about all of your alls MCAT scores, its just that this hurricane disaster has sorta dampened my mood. Its sooooooooo distressing, in a way worse then 9-11 bombings, to see all the aftermath of the hurricane, and worse then that to hear on different news reports the way some of these stupid islamist terrorists and extremists are calling this an act of god to punish america. More distressing then that is hearing that Bush has not taken the aid of other countries who have tried to make offers of aid to the victims, and seeing it look like what we imaging developing countries to be like.

I've never wanted to cry after a hurricane, but this disaster and the pictures and news made me want to cry.

Oh and it made me realize last year when we were b1tching about not being able to take the MCAT due to a hurricane, that that matter was ever so insignificant to the thought of losing everything if this kinda stuff were to happen here.

It also made me fear what is to come with the rest of the season.
God what happen? Life is not about being depress and cry over bad things,
It is about overcoming struggle to make everything better as you can.
Cheer up,

Don’t cry. Crying won’t help the victims, but deeds will.

Don’t cry…. Don’t wonder too much. What is about to happen will happen, but all you got to do is handle it better way.

It is not good to have a spirit to cry when many people are suffering and dying. IT is about being strong and courageous to help when you can.

Hope my rambling help you cheer up a little and do something about the Hurricane’s victims.
Good thing that you are reminding people about the event and political related history.
Please, don’t cry.
Have a loud and proud voice when you talk about it. Don’t forget to be sensible, though.
gujuDoc said:
Its sooooooooo distressing, in a way worse then 9-11 bombings, to see all the aftermath of the hurricane, and worse then that to hear on different news reports the way some of these stupid islamist terrorists and extremists are calling this an act of god to punish america.

Pat Robertson sayz god was punnishing us because of all the gays in this country - so which is it?
inthe4cast said:
Pat Robertson sayz god was punnishing us because of all the gays in this country - so which is it?

That is sick that people could be so cruel and say this is payment for people being Americans or because they are of a sexual orientation.

In actuality, it wasn't gays only that were killed, but straight married people with families and children. Mainly poorer people with no transportation or means to leave.


I did give money to the Redcross, but it seems like it isn't enough.
Cozmosis said:
What a weird thread, huh?

Funny how the world works.


JustR Is taking Diesel's role in the crazy poster competition. Hence, the weirdness of this thread. :laugh: :laugh:

So how are things going with you?? I haven't talked to you in a long while.
Cozmosis said:
What a weird thread, huh?

Funny how the world works.

BTW, if you are waiting for Hopkins' secondary, I think you'll have to go to their website and fill it out. They generally have it available so you can apply right away.
gujuDoc said:
Sorry if I'm not being as excited right now about all of your alls MCAT scores, its just that this hurricane disaster has sorta dampened my mood. Its sooooooooo distressing, in a way worse then 9-11 bombings, to see all the aftermath of the hurricane, and worse then that to hear on different news reports the way some of these stupid islamist terrorists and extremists are calling this an act of god to punish america. More distressing then that is hearing that Bush has not taken the aid of other countries who have tried to make offers of aid to the victims, and seeing it look like what we imaging developing countries to be like.

I've never wanted to cry after a hurricane, but this disaster and the pictures and news made me want to cry.

Oh and it made me realize last year when we were b1tching about not being able to take the MCAT due to a hurricane, that that matter was ever so insignificant to the thought of losing everything if this kinda stuff were to happen here.

It also made me fear what is to come with the rest of the season.

i feel the same way gujudoc, hearing the stories on the news is heartbreaking.

i know what you mean too about fearing whats left in the season, i've lived in miami nearly my entire life but my fear of hurricanes just shot up after Katrina.
Arsenic810 said:
i feel the same way gujudoc, hearing the stories on the news is heartbreaking.

i know what you mean too about fearing whats left in the season, i've lived in miami nearly my entire life but my fear of hurricanes just shot up after Katrina.

Yeah, just last year I was thinking you know it never hits us, it always misses, and if it does it doesn't do anything life threatening. Then Katrina showed me that could be further from the truth of how it could become if I don't take any future hurricanes seriously. Over the period of the last few days, that reality set in.
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