Official prionsRbad Rally Thread

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Something interesting about DCOM: they are one of the only DO schools that asks for a photograph with their secondary application. I think its safe to assume that LauraDO is extremely hot

Western also asks for a photo with their secondary.
I sent them one, and I got accepted anyway!


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That's funny about the picture thing! .. and I thought it was just so they could know our names when school starts. We are a class full of hotties though!
That is usually the case. I have never heard of anyone getting an interview without an MCAT score before.

Something interesting about DCOM: they are one of the only DO schools that asks for a photograph with their secondary application.

its also optional for CCOM secondary. they say for security reasons. from what I understand, when your mcat scores are released, the schools also get your picture to compare.
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its also optional for CCOM secondary. they say for security reasons. from what I understand, when your mcat scores are released, the schools also get your picture to compare.

they don't make you send a photo anymore for the MCAT do they? I did have to bring one when i took the paper test, but when i retook it on the computer, they just checked my ID...
enough about photos, why doesn't everyone talk about how hot I am again :D
enough about photos, why doesn't everyone talk about how hot I am again :D

:laugh: I think we all need to see a picture before we decide for sure. ;)
You mean like this? -----------> :boom:
exactly, I would hate to harm fellow sdn-ers, and i don't think contributing to an uprise in 3rd degree computer burns would help me chances of getting in, not really what you want to put under the accomplishments section of aacomas
exactly, I would hate to harm fellow sdn-ers, and i don't think contributing to an uprise in 3rd degree computer burns would help me chances of getting in, not really what you want to put under the accomplishments section of aacomas

Well you've already finished your aacomas app and you won't have to reapply so I don't think you have to worry about it. :D And if for some crazy reason you decided to reapply anyway you could always just send a picture in with your app and any of your misdoings will be completely forgiven. ;)
Well you've already finished your aacomas app and you won't have to reapply so I don't think you have to worry about it. :D And if for some crazy reason you decided to reapply anyway you could always just send a picture in with your app and any of your misdoings will be completely forgiven. ;)

how do you know I won't have to reapply, you are more optimistic than i am.......
how do you know I won't have to reapply, you are more optimistic than i am.......

I'm psychic. Or wait, would that be psycho...?