OFFICIAL Rank List Thread

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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Nov 6, 2003
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OK, so now that it's February 26th, Eastern Standard Time, (i.e. neither you nor the programs can change any rank lists whatsoever), do any of you care to spew your guts out and list your rank lists?

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1. UNC
2. Vandy
3. UVA
4. Brown
5. Wake Forest

Now the wait...

Good luck everyone
Certified (for the last time) at 11:40 PM:

1. U of Michigan
2. UNC
3. Colorado
4. Wake Forest
5. Ohio State
6. U of Wisconsin
7. U of Vermont
8. Dartmouth
9. Mayo
10-13. God let's hope it doesn't come to this...

Best of luck to everyone.
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1. UAB
2. Vanderbilt
4. Stanford
5. Duke
6. UNC
Certified rank list:
1. Brown
2. U Maryland
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. U Rochester
5. Wash U
6. RWJ
7. JH Bayview
8. GWU

I'm definitely not getting good vibes from 1 and 2.
1. U of Pittsburgh
2. NYU
3. Columbia
4. Penn
6. Brigham W
7. Cornell
1. Mayo
2. U of Michigan
3. U of Iowa (Iowa City)
4. U of Minnesota
5. U of Wisconsin

A strange mix, I know, but I'm hoping to stay around this part of the country.

Good Luck, everyone!:thumbup:
Certified ROL:

1. UAB
2. UVa
3. Vandy
4. Wake Forest
5. Wash U
6. UNC
7. Northwestern
1. U of Chicago
2. Northwestern
3. Wisconsin
4. Pitt
5. UVa
6. Vandy
7. WashU
8. Case

I'm a psych guy coupled with a medicine gal so I will list hers.

1. Univ. of Kentucky
2. Vermont
4. St. Vincent's
5. Maine Med
6. UAB
7. Wake Forest
8. MCG
9. Univ of Colorado

As you can tell we are not tied to one area of the country. I'm sure I influenced her on a few decisions. Anyway, good luck to everyone.

Wish all of you the best of luck!!
I flipped and flopped some, here it is

2) Wake Forest
3) U of Florida, Gainesville
4) U of Miami
5) Virginia Commonwealth

I got post-interview interest letters from all programs and hope not to drop below my top 2... we will see what happens.
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1. UChicago
2. Northwestern
3. Penn
4. Mt. Sinai
5. Cornell
6. Columbia
7. BID
1. U of Chicago
2. Wash U
3. U of Michigan
4. Mayo Clinic
Impressive lists! Here is my certified wish list:

1. NYU
2. UVa
3. Mich
4. Vandy
5. Columbia
6. Emory
7. UAB
8.-10. Blah....

hope everyone gets where they want!
partial list:

1. University of Florida - Gainesville
2. VCU
3. GWU
4....??? probably won't matter
Over 1300 viewings and only 16 ROL's.
C'mon, this is the most interesting post of the year...
:) ;) :thumbup:
1) MGH
3) NYU
4) Cornell
5) Mt Sinai

Good luck!
1. U Michigan
2. U Chicago
3. Mayo
1. Brigham
2. MGH
3. Hopkins
4. Cornell
5. Columbia
1. Brigham
2. MGH
3. Hopkins
5. Vandy
Originally posted by Kalel
Certified rank list:
1. Brown
2. U Maryland
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. U Rochester
5. Wash U
6. RWJ
7. JH Bayview
8. GWU

I'm definitely not getting good vibes from 1 and 2.


I thougt you were at UMD for med school? I wish I had made the effort to get there for an interview.

Best of luckk either way -- I'm sure it will come out well.
Originally posted by avendesora

I thougt you were at UMD for med school? I wish I had made the effort to get there for an interview.

Best of luckk either way -- I'm sure it will come out well.

Yup, I am. My chairperson seemed to like me, but I don't get the feeling that my PD likes me. Your top programs look strong enough that I doubt you will have actually missed anything by not visiting Maryland. Good luck to you too!
Well here was my verdict...Good luck y'all

1. RWJ
2. Tufts
3. Brown
4. Einstein - Monte
5. Lenox Hill (this was was kind of high, but I got a good feeling and c'mon Upper east side)
6. Rochester (this one moved up last minute!! it so great but locale could have been better)
7. Jefferson
8. Beth Israel
9. LIJ
I think that it's interesting that most of us didn't seem to be ranking programs in order of "prestige" or "reputation" (with the exception of the two heavy hitters who ranked the same top three IM programs ;) ). Hope we all get what we want!
1. Harbor-UCLA
2. Stanford
4. U Washington
5. U Col
1. Brigham
2. MGH
3. U Penn
4. Yale
6. Stanford
7-10. Other scattered places I'd be very happy at as well

Good luck to everyone!
Originally posted by Kalel
I think that it's interesting that most of us didn't seem to be ranking programs in order of "prestige" or "reputation" (with the exception of the two heavy hitters who ranked the same top three IM programs ;) ). Hope we all get what we want!


You hit the nail on the head! I could care less about prestige or reputation. I want go where I know I will be happy. Some of the bigger name programs that I interviewed at but did not rank include the following:

* Northwestern
* University of Colorado
* Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
* Brown
* UC-Davis

These are all great programs and will undoubtedly provide an excellent IM foundation for all of their residents. I just felt that I would be better off somewhere else.
Mt. Sinai
(hope to god it doesn't go beneath this)

Good luck to all!