Oklahoma Anyone? part 01

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ad_sharp said:
Do any of you know when the first day of interviews is? The first day last year was Dec 11.

I believe its Nov. 30th. I guess this year the adcoms want to have an extra long winter break so they are getting the first round of interviews done two weeks earlier.

I'm sure everyone will hear good news from OU tomorrow or Saturday. Good luck.

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pbehzad said:
I believe its Nov. 30th. I guess this year the adcoms want to have an extra long winter break so they are getting the first round of interviews done two weeks earlier.

I'm sure everyone will hear good news from OU tomorrow or Saturday. Good luck.

thanks for the wishful thinking....after reading your post yesterday, i was pi$$ed when I saw today was veterans day.....grrr no mail!
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Amxcvbcv said:
I interviewed on December 5th last year.

The memory doesn't work so well after biochem sometimes.....my bad.
ad_sharp said:
The memory doesn't work so well after biochem sometimes.....my bad.

On a related note, does all the information you're expected to learn sometimes make you feel like you're trying to cram 40 people in a VW Beetle?

I've heard similar analogies, but that's one of my favorites. :p
pbehzad said:
My dad said he got the letter from OU today for an interview on Dec. 2. :D woohoo, my 1st interview! I was expecting a letter sometime next week, so I was a little surprised.

Hope everyone else hears some good news.

Boomer Sooner!

congrats. :)
by chance, do you mind sharing ur stats or what # u got from the formula? and are u a resident?

thanks. good luck. take care :cool:
Amxcvbcv said:
On a related note, does all the information you're expected to learn sometimes make you feel like you're trying to cram 40 people in a VW Beetle?

I've heard similar analogies, but that's one of my favorites. :p

It's more like taking on a huge army with nothing but a slingshot.
Getting excited about the mail tommorrow? Kinda sad when your everything rides on an envelope in the mail.

At least I'm busy all day tomorrow.

Volunteering from 8 to noon, then work from 1 to 5... Whatever comes will be there when I get home.

Amxcvbcv said:

At least I'm busy all day tomorrow.

Volunteering from 8 to noon, then work from 1 to 5... Whatever comes will be there when I get home.


heh...you're lucky, I don't have classes or work today...just sitting around waiting for the mail... :scared:
Amxcvbcv said:
Nothing today, either.

I'm thinking that I'm in the second round this year...

Mine's empty also. I should be in the first round according to the formula.

Assuming the formula is correct.
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I didn't see a letter today either. *sigh*

Tomorrow....tomorrow.....you're always a day away....

Emotions of the Day: :sleep: :eek: :mad: :mad: :( :sleep: :sleep: :scared: :sleep:
I got out there and realized my mail key doesn't work... so I've got to wait for my wife to get home.

In the meantime I watched an episode of The West Wing and flew from Dallas to Albuquerque.


It was almost enough to make me forget why I went to the mailbox... almost.
When will the wait end?!?

Not today.
I won't be able to check the mail until my wife and I get home from church tonight...

Question: Does praying after the mailman has come and gone make it more or less likely a letter from OU will be in the box? :rolleyes:

Good thing I covered my bases this morning... and yesterday...
Well. oudoc and I are going to a student ambassador training this evening to find out what we're going to do on your interview days. Additionally, we have an anatomy mini exam tommorrow-neck and face suck :thumbdown: . There's a biochem mini on monday that will be really tough. I hope you guys hear something soon.....enjoy your freedom while you've got it.
ad_sharp said:
Well. oudoc and I are going to a student ambassador training this evening to find out what we're going to do on your interview days. Additionally, we have an anatomy mini exam tommorrow-neck and face suck :thumbdown: . There's a biochem mini on monday that will be really tough. I hope you guys hear something soon.....enjoy your freedom while you've got it.

good luck on those minis...hang in there, it will be xmas before you know it. nothing in the mail again today :( Hopefully ill hear something soon...waiting sucks
My mailbox was empty again. Waiting does suck.
Hey you guys...whats up. I've been on this forum for quite some time now, about a year and a half or so...and i JUST registered. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm from OU and like you guys, I CAN'T STAND THE WAIT! blah! Have a good one, everyone.
eggdrpsoop said:
Hey you guys...whats up. I've been on this forum for quite some time now, about a year and a half or so...and i JUST registered. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm from OU and like you guys, I CAN'T STAND THE WAIT! blah! Have a good one, everyone.

Welcome to the thread. I guess that I could fill you in on some of the stuff that I know about the interviews this year....

First, I think that the first round of interviews is only taking place on three days-I think that it has to do with the scheduling around exam block. Additionally, they'll be rearranging some of the stuff this year. You'll get a tour and a brief talk with the financial aid people, student services, and all of the other crap. When you show up, first years will be present to answer questions. During the talks, 2nd-4th yrs will be there. You'll get to see the mods and possibly walk in on a lecture for anatomy. I think that your interviews will be between 20-45 min as there will be a new round of interviews each hour. I don't know how much you guys know about all of this, but there should be a doc, faculty member, and 4th yr in your interview. Contrary to popular belief these interviews tend to be fairly painless.

I have heard that this year's applicant pool is a little bit larger that the previous couple of years, but I don't know what the in-state/out-of-state ratio is. Also, the MD/PhD candidates (plus some others) will be on the first day, I think. Don't stress so much about not hitting in the first week. You'll know soon. Hope some of this helps.
Since there seem to be several of us around, do you have any success stories to share of people who weren't in the first round of interviews? :oops:

Still nothing as of today... sigh
I have a success story. I personally know 5 people who were 3rd rounders and still got in. 2 got in directly, while 3 were in off of the wait-list. Their credentials were ~27 MCAT and a 3.6ish GPA. Does that count as a success story?
Amxcvbcv said:
Since there seem to be several of us around, do you have any success stories to share of people who weren't in the first round of interviews? :oops:

Still nothing as of today... sigh

Oh yeah, lots of people get in who weren't on the first week of interviews. Additionally, I interviewed with a guy who had a 3.9 and a 38 that got rejected. A lot of people in the class weren't first round and as far as I can tell, I don't think that there is a good correlation between interview day and performance in class. My point with the post above was to make you aware that the first round was only three days and includes the MD/PhD crazies. The only people there on the first day will be the 3.8+, 33+ type folks. You'll be fine. I'm pretty sure that there will be 270 total interviews and 150 accepted as the final class. Bear in mind that not everyone accepted here will attend here-so there's room for shift. One of the guys in my class was waitlisted, already moved to Tulsa to attend OSU and got accepted in July (I think), and had to move again with his family. As far as I can tell, if you get an interview here, you stand an excellent chance of being accepted with the waitlist movement and everything concidered. Keep that chin up......
ad_sharp said:
Oh yeah, lots of people get in who weren't on the first week of interviews. Additionally, I interviewed with a guy who had a 3.9 and a 38 that got rejected. A lot of people in the class weren't first round and as far as I can tell, I don't think that there is a good correlation between interview day and performance in class. My point with the post above was to make you aware that the first round was only three days and includes the MD/PhD crazies. The only people there on the first day will be the 3.8+, 33+ type folks. You'll be fine. I'm pretty sure that there will be 270 total interviews and 150 accepted as the final class. Bear in mind that not everyone accepted here will attend here-so there's room for shift. One of the guys in my class was waitlisted, already moved to Tulsa to attend OSU and got accepted in July (I think), and had to move again with his family. As far as I can tell, if you get an interview here, you stand an excellent chance of being accepted with the waitlist movement and everything concidered. Keep that chin up......

Thanks. :)
ad_sharp said:
... Also, the MD/PhD candidates (plus some others) will be on the first day, I think.

So is the first day/round mainly just MD/PhD folks?...I wouldn't have thought that that would be a large # of people....guess im wrong
DMBFan61 said:
So is the first day/round mainly just MD/PhD folks?...I wouldn't have thought that that would be a large # of people....guess im wrong

I'm not sure of the exact number, but they put the MD/PhD folks together with regular applicants last year when I interviewed. I would estimate that there was roughly 15 people there that were applying for that route. I thought that I heard that they were going to more fully segregate the interviews this time.
Amxcvbcv said:
At least now I have Half-Life 2 to occupy my mind...

How's everyone else doing?

I think that I may get half life 2 when the break starts. I loved the first one. I'm looking forward to retiring my game boy for the ds today. I'll be reliving the good ol days with mario tommorrow after my test. I really need to grow up someday.....
i'll get hl2 and halo2 after hte mcat is done =/, what a long time away. Im a big cs fan, still catch some games here and there.
I'm thinking I might have an aneurysm if I check the mail Monday and there is not an OU interview letter. Hopefully I'm just stressing out a little to much. But based on the all-knowing and all-powerful "formula" used by the adcom I figured I would have gotten a letter by now. So, I thought maybe if this year's applicants shared their stats and current application status maybe we could all get a better idea of when and if a letter might be forthcoming. I realize that some folks have already posted their stats in the thread somewhere, but it might be nice to see them here in one spot.

3.29 cumulative gpa
32-O april mcat
no letter as of 11/21
3.85 gpa
OU ~ Zoo. Biomed Sci.

No letter either.... :confused: : :scared: :confused:
31 O
3.78 cum. gpa
Emory University-double major International Studies (BA) and Biology (BS)

I received the interview invite on Nov. 10 for a Dec. 2nd interview. I was complete at OU around Aug. 25th.
Good luck everyone and hope everybody gets good news this week.
als12179 said:
I'm thinking I might have an aneurysm if I check the mail Monday and there is not an OU interview letter. Hopefully I'm just stressing out a little to much. But based on the all-knowing and all-powerful "formula" used by the adcom I figured I would have gotten a letter by now. So, I thought maybe if this year's applicants shared their stats and current application status maybe we could all get a better idea of when and if a letter might be forthcoming. I realize that some folks have already posted their stats in the thread somewhere, but it might be nice to see them here in one spot.

3.29 cumulative gpa
32-O april mcat
no letter as of 11/21

3.1 cumulative gpa undergrad
3.53 Gradudate gpa (Masters in Health Administration)
Nothing from OU. Getting scared :(
GPA: 3.55
Major: Mechanical Engineering
School: OU

No letter yet.
Thanks to everyone for sharing their stats. It seems like most of us without letters are fairly close together on the formula. And the one interview has a 12 something which is definitely a lot higher than the supposed magical 11.2 number to be in the first round. So, hopefully we will all be getting the letter pretty soon. I also have the feeling that the stats represented by the people on this board are skewed toward the high end of the applicant pool. So, anyway thanks to everyone for calming my nerves a bit.
the 11.2 was from a year ago, maybe applicants this year are alot smarter who knows.
For all of you that do get interviews post your interview feedback for all of us that will have to go through this next year :D.
My understanding based on what happened last year, the schedule for this year, and what I've read here is this:

Last year they had four days of interviews for the first round. I don't know how they were allocated or whatever - four days is the important point.

This year, round one is only three days long, and if I understand correctly the first day (November 30th) is only for MD/PhD applicants, which means there are only two days for the rest of us.

So... long story short, I, and several others in this thread, will hopefully be interviewing January 11th or so.
Just wanted to let you know that the first day is not only for MD/PhD, as I am not an MD/PhD applicant, but do have an interview on the first day.

Hope you all get an invite soon, I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure they're coming.
nipandtuck said:
Just wanted to let you know that the first day is not only for MD/PhD, as I am not an MD/PhD applicant, but do have an interview on the first day.
Mind sharing your stats?
Abe said:
the 11.2 was from a year ago, maybe applicants this year are alot smarter who knows.
For all of you that do get interviews post your interview feedback for all of us that will have to go through this next year :D.

I don't know how legit the 11.2 is. A friend of mine in my class interviewed on the last day of the first week and he was about a twelve on the scale.
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