Oklahoma Anyone? part 01

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Ok im sure this has been mentioned before but what kind of stats will get you the 1st day/week interview?

I calculated my score with the formula OU uses to determine interview order. I got a 12.2 overall. Are most of the candidates on 1st day interviews like the 3.8+, 36 MCAT students.

I have a 3.78 overall and 31 on MCAT.

I hate to sound worried, but I'm just hoping I get an interview to OU sooner than later (no pun intended ;) ).
Thanks for all the help too.

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pbehzad said:
Ok im sure this has been mentioned before but what kind of stats will get you the 1st day/week interview?

I calculated my score with the formula OU uses to determine interview order. I got a 12.2 overall. Are most of the candidates on 1st day interviews like the 3.8+, 36 MCAT students.

I have a 3.78 overall and 31 on MCAT.

I hate to sound worried, but I'm just hoping I get an interview to OU sooner than later (no pun intended ;) ).
Thanks for all the help too.

I dont' think that you'll hit first day, but I'd almost bet you'll make the first week (probably within the first three days).
oudoc08 said:
Actually, Abe, I'm sorry. I failed to read your post completely and didn't realize that this was an AMSA group.

As someone who vehemently opposes nearly many of the key social issues that AMSA stands for, (i.e. -their promotion of socialized medicine, opposition to medical malpractice award caps, access to abortion on demand, opposition to a partial birth abortion ban, and encourangement of a total handgun ban for US citizens, as well as many others, I will not be involved with any promotion of AMSA sponsored events.
If you would individually like a tour, I would be happy to help out, but again, I refuse to be involved with AMSA in any way, shape or form and plan to encourage my fellow students to do the same.
I hope you educated yourself prior to being involved with them. If you did and agree with their positions, then fine, but if you didn't and are curious, or if the statements above come as a shock to you, please check out this page from their website. Note their "official" positions in the right hand column. Not only are they against nearly everythinig President Bush stands for, they even fall to the left of John Kerry on most every issue.

I'm going to tell you the truth, i joined amsa to pad the EC part of the application which im really light on so anything will help, didn't really look into it, i dont think any of us have really, we dont really talk politics in their, or know what amsa stands for.
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Abe said:
I'm going to tell you the truth, i joined amsa to pad the EC part of the application which im really light on so anything will help, didn't really look into it, i dont think any of us have really, we dont really talk politics in their, or know what amsa stands for.

That's sad, because it's so true. It's like voting for a political party because a celebrity told you to.

It's understandable that you wanted to help pad your EC part, but let me tell you, adcoms aren't impressed by simply paying money too, or claiming membership in an organization. They are looking for substantial investment in a cause, be it a career, volunteer work, research, etc.

The deceitful thing about AMSA is that they prey on pre-meds as well as new med students just before matriculation or during orientation.

They charge $70.00 for a 5 year membership, because they know full well that once most people find out what they stand for, they wouldn't renew.

In addition, the Netters that they give out for "free" is most likely bought in bulk by the bank that issues the credit card that you must apply for in order to get the book.

So lets see who wins here,

Bank: Loses around 40.00 for Netters, but reaps a large potential award in future credit card interest and fees. WINNER!!!

AMSA: Gains your $70.00, because they don't pay anything for the book, they are simply an intermediary between you and the credit issuing bank.
With this money, they can continue to dribble their liberal political ideology into Washington and throughout the country, pretending to represent the interest of the majority of medical students, because they now have your name on their roles as a "supporting" member.

YOU: Just realized the scam you were taken for, but now can't do anything about it. LOSER!!!

So what can you do? I'll tell you. Money talks. Hit them in the wallet. They may already have your money, or maybe they don't. Either way, you can now EDUCATE OTHERS about the true tactics of this organization, and thus help decrease future money from flowing into the organization. I plan to do alot of talking to students, premeds and potential premeds alike, as well as letter-writing campaigns around the country. In addition, if Dr. Coburn is elected, I have some pretty close ties to him as well. This is exactly the kind of issue that he would jump on. As a side note, in my interview for OU, it was remarked by one of the interviewers, that I could well be Tom Coburn's long lost son :). I feel strongly, that the political issues that we discussed that day, and more specifically, my conviction and desire to effect political change, helped immensely in my acceptance.
If you're not that political, you at least need to start getting that way. Politics in medicine are the future. They will determine whether you and your patient get to decide, or whether Ted Kennedy gets to decide.
AMSA has no business spouting "official" opinions about social issues which don't relate to medical students. Gun control, the war in Iraq, and foreign policy are absolutely irrelevant issues in the context of a medical student organization, and while important, shouldn't be decided by a few liberals running the organization. My goal is intellectual honesty. If these people are going to hold those opinions, then they need to express them just as loudly at the table where they sign people up, as they do on the internet and in Washington. To do otherwise is cultic, and deceitful.
In short, I plan to do everything I possibly can to encourage those who may simply want to pad their application to educate themselves about this organization, and to ask yourself, "Is this what I support?"

Again, the adcoms don't give a crap whether you belong to an organization such as AMSA, and in all honesty, I believe in my interview, had I known at that time about the true motives of AMSA in particular (we mostly discussed current hot political topics), it would have been a GREAT topic of discussion. Keep in mind that most physicians, including those on adcoms, are conservative and would rather hear an applicant describe why he/she DIDN'T join AMSA. It shows leadership and independence, vs. the following mentality that you described in trying to do what everyone else is doing. I'm not faulting you for trying to do what it takes to get into med school. I understand that, but this is my free tip to you. If you subscribe to the ideology behind AMSA, then you are free to do so, but if you do not, I invite you to get mad about it. It could make the difference in distinguishing you as a someone who has the initiative and the drive (exactly what the adcoms are looking for).

Example: Out of the 40 of you, I'm quite sure that in Oklahoma, at OSU, many would not support a nationwide handgun ban. I'm also fairly sure that many are opposed to abortion, especially partial-birth aborion. I'll bet there are a more than a few Bush supporters. I also doubt that many of you want to become doctors in a socialized medicine state.

I make these assumptions about your group, as this would be a cross section of our current class, though there are the occasional liberals in the crowd who clutch their AMSA card w/ pride.

I invite you to talk to your fellow classmates, and ditch the AMSA tour. You're more than welcome to come tour the campus, again, I would be happy to show you all around, and you can do so knowing you're not supporting AMSA.

Again, have NO doubts that AMSA membership is worthless for an EC pad, (and don't forget my bit of interview advice). I think you'll find it more useful than any of the feel-good canned answers you'll read about.

Abe said:
I'm going to tell you the truth, i joined amsa to pad the EC part of the application which im really light on so anything will help, didn't really look into it, i dont think any of us have really, we dont really talk politics in their, or know what amsa stands for.
That's the same reason I joined AED, the premed honor society here at OU. I went to the induction and that's about it. I'm using it to pad my EC's.
I was reading a thread about which school has the happiest med students. I was wondering if everyone at OU was happy with their decision to go there?
MechE said:
I was reading a thread about which school has the happiest med students. I was wondering if everyone at OU was happy with their decision to go there?

I'm going to tell you a not-so-secret secret. Every school's students love their school for one reason or another. You put in entirely too much effort, money, time, and energy to not love your institution. Don't base your decision on the opinions of myself or oudoc08, you've gotta figure this thing out for yourself. That being saidl, let me tell you what I think.

I love school here. My classmates are the total shiz nizzle and all of the professsors are great. There's more opportunity than you can shake a stick at and nobody is trying to kill you to gain the advantage. I just got back from an 8 hr study session with a couple of classmates and we had a blast depite studying something like lipid metabolism. I haven't regretted my decision to go here for a second and I would make the same decision a thousand times over. My wife and I love OKC, the school, and our new surrounding in general. I'm working harder and learning more than I ever thought possible and I'm enjoying every minute of it. (crazy I know) In the end it comes down to you and your gut. Go with what feels right. I would rather see you somewhere else if your going to be miserable here or vice versa. Just keep an open mind about all of this.
MechE said:
That's the same reason I joined AED, the premed honor society here at OU. I went to the induction and that's about it. I'm using it to pad my EC's.
i think im going to join AED too :D, its damn expensive though $90.
OUdoc thanks for the heads up on amsa, im going to check them out; i think all us premeds join it not knowing what it really stands for, but it does have medical student association in it so we presume all medical/premedical people are in it. We're insecure people right now trying to do anything to get in :D. 3 meetings a night and nothing really is learned, or we do anything. Nothing like these lameass clubs :D.
Abe said:
i think im going to join AED too :D, its damn expensive though $90.
OUdoc thanks for the heads up on amsa, im going to check them out; i think all us premeds join it not knowing what it really stands for, but it does have medical student association in it so we presume all medical/premedical people are in it. We're insecure people right now trying to do anything to get in :D. 3 meetings a night and nothing really is learned, or we do anything. Nothing like these lameass clubs :D.

Yeah, I can relate. I was a member of a few clubs in undergrad where I didn't really do anything or know what was going on-just trying to fil in the ECs. Don't be insecure, just go into the interview with confidence, not cockiness.
Oh yeah, almost forgot something. If any of you would like, I'll bring last year's match list around for you to see. It's pretty impresive I'd have to say. Lots of competitive residencies in pretty prestigious places represented. I didn't get to this info before school started, and I felt very reassured when I saw the list. It's kinda nice to know that you really can get into anything here, where some schools have an obvious slant toward certain high powered specialties or pigeon hole you to primary practice. I think that you can get anywhere from here (so long as your work ethic meets or exceeds your ambitions).
I completely agree. I realized that awhile back and have been trying to figure out how to cancel my membership. Today I actually e-mailed AMSA but I haven't heard back. I basically told them that they don't serve as my voice and I don't share their political opinions. I, too was lured in by the free Netter's without realizing they were a political group.

I've been told the OU chapter does not share the same views that the national office does. However, I saw some card about "Bush vs. Kerry" that got passed out at the last meeting. For a group that claims no preference, their wording indicated to me that they favor Bush by a landslide. That was pretty much it for me. I'm also sick of that "New Physician" magazine they send me. They ought to call the "New Socialist".
Oops, I meant to say AMSA favors Kerry by a landslide.
Jalopycat said:
Oops, I meant to say AMSA favors Kerry by a landslide.

Yeah, you kinda caught me off guard there :).

Also, to every one on this forum, I am openly stating that the views expressed by me are mine and mine alone. They in NO way are meant to imply any view of the university which I attend, or of any other individuals.

My sole purpose is to educate the premedical/medical student about AMSA using whole and complete materials on the AMSA website, in the interest of full disclosure, as is required by law.
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ad_sharp said:
Oh yeah, almost forgot something. If any of you would like, I'll bring last year's match list around for you to see. It's pretty impresive I'd have to say. Lots of competitive residencies in pretty prestigious places represented. I didn't get to this info before school started, and I felt very reassured when I saw the list. It's kinda nice to know that you really can get into anything here, where some schools have an obvious slant toward certain high powered specialties or pigeon hole you to primary practice. I think that you can get anywhere from here (so long as your work ethic meets or exceeds your ambitions).
I would like to see OU's match list.
so if i say something other than primary care at the interview at OU, that wont work against me will it. Do people that intend to go into primary care get preferential treatment?
I'd like to see those match lists too
Abe said:
so if i say something other than primary care at the interview at OU, that wont work against me will it. Do people that intend to go into primary care get preferential treatment?
I'd like to see those match lists too
I was wondering the same thing about telling your interviewer that your interested in primary care even if your not. I considered writing "I'm interested in primary care" in my personal statement, but later decided against it.
Just a guess on my part, but I imagine that OU is a bit like OSU on this one. They really like to hear that you're willing to consider primary care (or rural medicine), but they understand that it isn't a fit for everyone.

At OSU, I said that I was considering primary care, but that I wasn't considering rural medicine (and gave them some concrete reasons why...since rural med is a big mission of the school). I know classmates who said that they were firmly planning on specialities other than primary care, but they're in the minority.

Don't go in saying that you're all for primary care if you're thinking orthopedic surgery, but do go in with at least the appearance of an open mind. :)
If you want to do primary care, tell them. If you don't, tell them that too.
If you're not sure, that's okay too.

Just be able to discuss your motives. I got the feeling that OSU was more interested in primary care vs. OU. Though in my OSU interview, I flat out told them that I had absolutely no interest in primary care. Same thing for OU. A week after each, I had an acceptance letter in hand.

Just be honest and it will show.
Just curious, were you at the KU vs OU game this weekend handing out Coburn stickers, oudoc08?

I saw *lots* of people there who seemed to be from or affiliated with the medical school that were campaigning for Coburn.
Abe said:
the coburn, carson race is all just garbage now, who knows whose telling the truth anymore.

I know Tom Coburn. He's a sincere guy who's oustpoken and sick and tired of typical politics. He ran for the House and won on a campaign of running only for a set amount of time, thus he couldn't be "bought" by other politicians. Why? Because he wasn't interested in reelection; Perhaps the first politician in history. He isn't
feely-good, and is primarily interested in running a responsible government. If you notice, Brad Carson consistently dogs him about voting against projects. Projects that cost a ton of $$$. Projects that are not the responsibility of the federal government. Projects that our state government would be able to pay for, if the money wasn't being wasted by a bunch of democrat state senators and representatives (the majority party in the state Congress, I might remind you). All of these projects are so loaded with pork that by the time the federal government paid for them all, we'd be impacting our children with exponential amounts of debt. Dr. Coburn's message is simple. Fund the things that are important, figure out better ways to fund the things that aren't as important, and expose the wasteful ways of Washington. He was disliked by many members of Congrerss in BOTH parties for this attitude, but respected by many more. For those who hope to spend a career in the Senate, getting reelected takes top priority, even if it means socking our future generations w/ massive amounts of debt.
As well, I find it stunning that many medical and premed students alike are willing to support a career politician who is an attorney over a physician who has been through the same crap as the rest of us.

I guarantee there isn't more than a small handful of law students supporting a doctor, and I'm ashamed that we can't stick together in similar fashion.

Well, it's par for the course I guess. Though wide-eyed idealism tends to go right out the window after one gets out in practice (the number of statewide practicing physicians supporting Coburn is running around 95%), the fact that some med students seem to take pride in siding w/ the lawyers just absolutely blows me away. That anybody associated w/ medicine would vote for a ticket that included John Edwards, a trial lawyer who made his mass fortune suing doctors, to me simply typifies the ignorance which runs freely on the campuses of our colleges.

(Ex. AMSA, which holds views far to the LEFT of John Kerry, such as opposing malpractice caps, stands screaming in support of abortion rights, (they are especially vocal in their opposition of the partial birth abortion (infanticide) ban , and most surprisingly, proponence of socialized medicine. )

It makes me absolutely sick.
Tom Coburn has an awesome new ad that comes out soon. It features Dr. Coburn's attorney in the now infamous "medicaid fraud"case talking about how he contributed to Brad Carson's campaign until he came out with his smear ads about the incident. It's a great commercial. I'm so glad Dr. Coburn is responding this way. Carson is a jerk for bringing the whole thing up in the first place. But I guess we should all vote for Brad Carson anyway because he's "for the Oklahoma Party" (she says with sarcasm...)
just clarify this with me, if we dont use our tax money, wont it get used up by other states that want to use our money. If the our money must be spent why not spend it fixing out crappy roads or bad schools? im not in favor of big spending either, but if we have to dish out taxes might as well use it for us right?
oudoc08 said:
we'd be impacting our children with exponential amounts of debt.QUOTE]

are your debt concerns different for state vs federal expenditures? :rolleyes:
Actually, i have a serious question for you. How do you find the political views to be in your class? in line with most oklahomans? more liberal, conservative???
Dr Turninkoff said:
Actually, i have a serious question for you. How do you find the political views to be in your class? in line with most oklahomans? more liberal, conservative???

Most of the class seems to be tilted towards being fairly conservative with a several die-hard Bush fans, a few die-hard liberal AMSA-card carriers, and many in the middle. There is ~150 people many of whom I have only gotten to know either briefly or not at all, so I'm not sure of even close percentages, but I'd guess in presidential voting percentages probably around 70% Bush 30% Kerry. Just a guess based on my own personal clap/boo-o-meter during various jokes about each by professors.

So, I'd have to say it's relatively in line with most Oklahomans, which is fair to say given the fact that it is a state school with the normal 9:1 res/non-res cross-section.
Abe said:
just clarify this with me, if we dont use our tax money, wont it get used up by other states that want to use our money. If the our money must be spent why not spend it fixing out crappy roads or bad schools? im not in favor of big spending either, but if we have to dish out taxes might as well use it for us right?

You make it sound as if we have a big federal bank account with a cash balance out there somewhere that we are going to lose if we don't spend it. We don't. It is more like a high interest credit card. We pay federal taxes for federal projects, but don't forget, we pay STATE taxes too. (For things like ROADS and SCHOOLS!) Remember those are STATE rights, and STATE responsibilities, not federal ones, (though Ted Kennedy and Hillary would like for you to forget that)

In the US House, Dr. Coburn didn't vote against just Oklahoma getting money for projects which were supposed to be state funded. In those instances, he cast votes against EVERYBODY getting money in these massive pork-laden bills. So, in those cases, if the bill was approved, Oklahoma still got the money, as did everyone else. If not, then nobody did.

I would speak about that particular bill in question, but I don't have time (studying for block exam), but the transportation bill he voted against which
was a HUGE (something like 250 BILLION!) bill, was reminiscient of a bad steak. Little meat, and loaded w/ fat. Every rep. that voted for it, had a greasy hand stuck in it for his/her pet projects. Only problem was, they were going to eat that steak, and then sneak out and leave you to pay for the check.

The reason other states have such better roads than we, is because their people got sick and tired of having the type of elected STATE representatives that we still have. Waste, waste, waste.

What it really comes down to is what the role of the federal government is.
If you believe that the federal government is there to handhold the states, give them oodles of borrowed money (that you're kids and mine are going to have to pay, compounded in the future) and run everything from schools to the judiciary to your future socialized healthcare, then you go right ahead and cast a vote for Kerry and Brad Carson, who are waiting to dip their greasy fingers into every nook and cranny of your life (and of course, they'll expect you to pay through the nose for the "privilege" of having them do so.

On the other hand, if you favor small-government, minimal waste, and personal responsibility, and understand that over-borrowing to pay for less important things now is going to bankrupt us later, then it's going to be up to you to effect changes which halt those things.

Tom Coburn is that kind of man. Don't forget as well, that this state senate election is on the mind of not just Oklahomans, but the rest of the country as well, as this has the potential to maintain or shift the senate majority, which if Kerry were elected would be horrendously disasterous for reasons I won't bother to elaborate on, and if Bush were reelected would be a lesser mess, but one which would cause a massive backup in Congressional business, as the charismatic democrats such as Pelosi, Rangel, Kennedy and Clinton would make it their "civic duty" to do so in order to prevent judicial nominations, tax relief, small business incentive, etc. etc. etc.
Jalopycat said:
Tom Coburn has an awesome new ad that comes out soon. It features Dr. Coburn's attorney in the now infamous "medicaid fraud"case talking about how he contributed to Brad Carson's campaign until he came out with his smear ads about the incident. It's a great commercial. I'm so glad Dr. Coburn is responding this way. Carson is a jerk for bringing the whole thing up in the first place. But I guess we should all vote for Brad Carson anyway because he's "for the Oklahoma Party" (she says with sarcasm...)

Just heard the ad. It was great. The attorney says that the girl's own mother testified that Tom Coburn only did what was asked of him. I think that this guy's statement holds some validity in light of his once concrete support of Carson (he gave money and time to Carson's campaign). He told Carson that the ads were false and should not be aired, and Carson did it anyway-guess you can't blindly put faith in shameless attack ads, imagine that. I think that this will turn the tides toward Coburn with only eight days left. I love the political season. :)

Why do the biochem gods hate me? What have I done to anger them? :scared:
ad_sharp said:

Why do the biochem gods hate me? What have I done to anger them? :scared:

I wish I knew. This sucks way worse than the first test, I think. I also think the second years told us "The first test is the worst", just to make us feel good after we got done. They lie.
oudoc, I fear that our political banter has killed yet another thread. Everyone please come back. I'm lonely here with my porphyrins. :(
I hate to say it, but the first test block is the easiest. 2nd test block is really hard... and 2nd semester with neuroscience and physiology...well, let me just say you'll by missing the good ol' days of anatomy and biochem! Don't let people convince you it gets easier. What gets easier is the fact that you learn how to deal with the stress better.

I used to remind myself that thousands of people before me managed to get through medical school, and so will I. You'll get there too, just hang in there.

BTW, if you feel like getting anything productive done, don't look at the MS1 chatboard. There are some pretty angry democrats on it tonight! Man can they hold a grudge!
Jalopycat said:
I hate to say it, but the first test block is the easiest. 2nd test block is really hard... and 2nd semester with neuroscience and physiology...well, let me just say you'll by missing the good ol' days of anatomy and biochem! Don't let people convince you it gets easier. What gets easier is the fact that you learn how to deal with the stress better.

I used to remind myself that thousands of people before me managed to get through medical school, and so will I. You'll get there too, just hang in there.

BTW, if you feel like getting anything productive done, don't look at the MS1 chatboard. There are some pretty angry democrats on it tonight! Man can they hold a grudge!

Oh, us angry republicans can hold our own, I'm one of them posting on there, and yes, I've gotten little done (the week before test block I might add, what an idiot am I). But there's plenty of others besides me, so I don't want to steal all the "fame". Ad_, I'm sure you've wasted more than a minute or two screaming back through the keyboard.

I can actually envision what it will be like to look back at anatomy as the "good times". I'm trying not to, but I can. Just like looking back at other things in life and thinking, "man that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, now this, THIS is BAD!". Only next year, I'll think the same thing.
I was just wondering how much patient contact you guys are getting at OU so far? And what do they treat the 3rd and 4th year students like? As in how much of the clinical rotations is spent watching as opposed to doing?
als12179 said:
I was just wondering how much patient contact you guys are getting at OU so far? And what do they treat the 3rd and 4th year students like? As in how much of the clinical rotations is spent watching as opposed to doing?

We've actually had quiet a bit of patient interaction thus far. I've been spending an afternoon every week at a family doc's office interviewing patients. Oudoc lucked out and got a surgery gig. I've enjoyed it up to this point. At least it lets you know what it's like on the other side of the textbook.

I did a brief rotation in the department of geriatrics before school started in the summer with many of the third years. From what I could tell, they had a very active contribution to patient care. At the meetings with the attendings, they presented cases and weighed in on treatments plans, etc. Of course, this was after they had rounded on the patients that morning. I really like OU's setup as far as the 3rd and 4th yr go. Unlike other schools that will have you going all over the place in every corner of the state (like OSU), everything is located on campus for the most part. This will come in handy for a married man like myself. It's one of the main reasons I chose to go to school here. I'll be able to tell you more in a couple of years, but all of the third years I know like it a lot better than they did the first two. I can't imagine why..........
DMBFan61 said:
this thread needs a pick-me-up bumb :sleep:

I guess this thread will pick up alot more in teh next couple of weeks since the admissions office will be meeting bright and early on monday morning ;) . furthermore, how about Adrian Peterson coming through again. Bedlam was crazy, nearly had a heart attack since OU's secondary collapsed in the 2nd half. NEvertheless, if OU wins at Texas AM and thats a very big if, im liking our chances in Miami.
pbehzad said:
I guess this thread will pick up alot more in teh next couple of weeks since the admissions office will be meeting bright and early on monday morning ;) . furthermore, how about Adrian Peterson coming through again. Bedlam was crazy, nearly had a heart attack since OU's secondary collapsed in the 2nd half. NEvertheless, if OU wins at Texas AM and thats a very big if, im liking our chances in Miami.

It was a good one. Wish I could've watched it. Dang your team Abe, they almost screwed everything up :) . I think that we'll be in the championship, unless a&m wants to mess us up. I think that it'll be very interesting to watch OU and USC go at it since so many people were claiming that USC deserved the title and not OU or LSU last year.

Btw, good luck to you all. I hear the the adcom will be randomly selecting interviewees this year by throwing darts blind-folded at applications hanging on the wall. jk :laugh: Seriously though, let me know when you guys will be around.
this was our year, and big A&M loses to Baylor lol who the hell loses to baylor?? talk about parity, and miami lost too lol. Its almost as worse as the NFL. I just wish wed have 6 undefeated teams to make the BCS change their halfass ways.
ad_sharp said:
many people were claiming that USC deserved the title and not OU or LSU last year.
I had almost forgotten about this part of the admissions process - waiting not-so-patiently every day for the mail man to show up. :scared:

As for football, don't pack your bags yet. I'm betting Auburn jumps us in the BCS today. :thumbdown:

The formula for the BCS keeps shifting more and more to reflect how people think teams ought to be ranked, yet they keep the computers to give some sort of objective validity to the whole thing. Come on, people! Just scrap it and go back to the way it was or bite the bullet and go for a play-off system! Right now it's almost as bad as the Electoral College. :laugh:

I was just wondering how soon after the Nov. 1 deadline do they start notifying people with invitations for interviews.

JoeHuffmanOU said:

I was just wondering how soon after the Nov. 1 deadline do they start notifying people with invitations for interviews.


You should hear something at about mid-month.
ad_sharp said:
You should hear something at about mid-month.

does OU email or snail mail the interview invite?
any of you 1st years know the validity of the formula and if you have >11.2 you get an interview in the first round?
itwas 11.2 in 2003 maybe its changed a little bit but that what the OU lady said, when she came to OSU. The first rounds get in if above 11.2 not first weekers i think some people are confusing that.
OU sends out letters via snail mail for interview invites, or at least they did last year.

I knew a week or so before Thanksgiving when my interview was going to be.

Also, since people are still asking about the formula, I'll throw out my stats as a reference point.

I have a 33Q MCAT and had a 3.28 cumulative GPA going into the fall semester last year, and I interviewed during the first "round", on a Thursday. It wasn't the first day, but it was the first week.

This year my GPA is up .08 points and my extra-curriculars are much stronger, so here's to a more appealing outcome.
Amxcvbcv said:
OU sends out letters via snail mail for interview invites, or at least they did last year.

I knew a week or so before Thanksgiving when my interview was going to be.

Also, since people are still asking about the formula, I'll throw out my stats as a reference point.

I have a 33Q MCAT and had a 3.28 cumulative GPA going into the fall semester last year, and I interviewed during the first "round", on a Thursday. It wasn't the first day, but it was the first week.

This year my GPA is up .08 points and my extra-curriculars are much stronger, so here's to a more appealing outcome.

hey thanks for the info, good luck this time around
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