Onlinemeded PDFs reviews for CK and intern year

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Feb 12, 2017
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I just found out that onlinemeded has two PDFs. One with the Tables to quick review and One for Intern guide book.
Is it worth spending money on for CK or UWorld is enough?
experienced persons' advice needed here!

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If you are going to buy one of the books to study for CK, buy the quick tables. It's easy to take extra notes and do the algorithms in the book. If you're going to use OME for CK study, it's probably the best thing to buy. Intern guide and content is useful for the wards but not as useful for CK itself.

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The Quick Tables are only $25 (I think) and they're super handy for a quick review before shelf exams or if you want a brief review of something while you're studying for Step/Level 2. Worth it in my opinion.

I've heard great things about the intern guide from actual interns, but you don't need it quite yet as a third year student.
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