OOS vs In-state Applicant? - UW and OHSU

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7+ Year Member
Apr 12, 2016
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Weird situation. I have ties in both Oregon and Washington and I'm worried that because of that I won't be considered an in-state applicant at either school. Either that or I will be considered in-state for both, if that's possible. Hoping for some input.

Washington: Went to high school here, mom lives here, currently attend WSU Vancouver as an in-state student with resident tuition because mom claims me on her taxes, have Washington driver's license. Feel like due to financial ties I would likely be considered in-state.

Oregon: Currently live in Portland and have on and off for the last five years, at the time of application will have lived in Portland for two years consistently, was born here, dad lives here. It seems like OHSU has loose definitions of who is considered in-state with the "Oregon Heritage" aspect of it, and I feel like I may fall into that category.

Also, I work as an ED scribe at hospitals in Oregon and Washington, so that seems moot.

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If your mom claims you on her taxes in Washington you are in-state in Washington.

You have strong connections to Oregon, but you are a Washington applicant based on taxes
How do you currently attend Wash State U Vancouver while also currently living in Portland? Like do you drive across state lines every morning for class? Or did you graduate and NOW live in Portland?

Ultimately where your drivers liscences and taxes say you live is where you live for residency

You can always play the "close ties" card for Oregon while holding that valuable Washington residency.
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How do you currently attend Wash State U Vancouver while also currently living in Portland? Like do you drive across state lines every morning for class? Or did you graduate and NOW live in Portland?

Ultimately where your drivers liscences and taxes say you live is where you live for residency

You can always play the "close ties" card for Oregon while holding that valuable Washington residency.

Portland and Vancouver are on opposite sides of the river, so miles wise they're very close. My best friend lives south of Portland and commutes to Vanc every morning for work, so it is common

I believe UW is stronger on the in-state aspect, and OHSU has a more broad definition as OP mentioned. So, I could be wrong, but it is likely better to have the Washington in-state and Oregon heritage
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Portland and Vancouver are on opposite sides of the river, so miles wise they're very close. My best friend lives south of Portland and commutes to Vanc every morning for work, so it is common

I believe UW is stronger on the in-state aspect, and OHSU has a more broad definition as OP mentioned. So, I could be wrong, but it is likely better to have the Washington in-state and Oregon heritage

Yeah, similar situation. I live in north Portland so it's only a 15 to 20 minute commute.

That was kind of what I was thinking. I have time to establish residency in Oregon before applying next year, but I feel it might be unwise to give up Washington residency when I could play up Oregon heritage and likely get the best of both worlds. Also, OHSU doesn't have in-state vs OOS tuition, so I don't know that the financial aspect (taxes, etc.) are as important so long as there are significant ties.
Yeah, similar situation. I live in north Portland so it's only a 15 to 20 minute commute.

That was kind of what I was thinking. I have time to establish residency in Oregon before applying next year, but I feel it might be unwise to give up Washington residency when I could play up Oregon heritage and likely get the best of both worlds. Also, OHSU doesn't have in-state vs OOS tuition, so I don't know that the financial aspect (taxes, etc.) are as important so long as there are significant ties.

OHSU does in fact have different tuitions: IS is 39,980 and OOS is 57,972
