Overparanoid about pcat scores?

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Jul 19, 2018
Reaction score
I’m just really anxious, but does anyone know what happens when a Pearson proctor tells you that they will have to report that you were wearing a bracelet or something into the testing room? This happened to me today, and I was still allowed to take the pcat. Also, the proctor wasn’t telling me to take the bracelet off — he just asked if I could and I said no because it was a Cartier love bracelet and I didn’t have the screw on me at the time :( any response would be appreciated on what I should do! I’m not sure if my score will be cancelled later on or not but I hope they could tell my bracelet was just a bracelet and nothing else!

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I’m just really anxious, but does anyone know what happens when a Pearson proctor tells you that they will have to report that you were wearing a bracelet or something into the testing room? This happened to me today, and I was still allowed to take the pcat. Also, the proctor wasn’t telling me to take the bracelet off — he just asked if I could and I said no because it was a Cartier love bracelet and I didn’t have the screw on me at the time :( any response would be appreciated on what I should do! I’m not sure if my score will be cancelled later on or not but I hope they could tell my bracelet was just a bracelet and nothing else!
I believe you should be fine. Just tell Pearson if they contact you