Pacific (UoP) and the Navy 4 year HPSP

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Do you feel lucky, punk?
7+ Year Member
Jun 14, 2016
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Hey Everyone,

I've been fortunate enough to be admitted into the University of Pacific (a 3 year dental school), and I was wondering if it's still possible to convert a 4 year HPSP scholarship with the Navy to a 3 year scholarship? I'm willing to forgo the 20,000 dollar signing bonus provided I am able to convert the scholarship. I know this has been allowed in years past, but I was wondering if this option is still available?

Thanks for all your help!

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Congrats and good luck!
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Yes, there are quiet a few Navy HPSP people at UOP every year.
Hey Everyone,

I've been fortunate enough to be admitted into the University of Pacific (a 3 year dental school), and I was wondering if it's still possible to convert a 4 year HPSP scholarship with the Navy to a 3 year scholarship? I'm willing to forgo the 20,000 dollar signing bonus provided I am able to convert the scholarship. I know this has been allowed in years past, but I was wondering if this option is still available?

Thanks for all your help!

What ended up happening with your scholarship/admission?