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5+ Year Member
Dec 7, 2017
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CityMD is a rapidly growing urgent care network in New York, New Jersey and Washington state. With over 70 sites and growing, CityMD has a large presence in the healthcare community, offering a wide range of high quality services for over 1 million patients a year. Physicians can provide great, personalized care to each patient only with the support of clinical staff.

CityMD offers unique clinical job opportunities for Medical School graduates awaiting residency. As a medical scribe, you will have direct interaction with patients including eliciting a complete Past Medical History, Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, and Review of Systems and accurately documenting findings into an Electronic Medical Records system. You will have the opportunity to work closely with physicians including documenting Physical Exams, medical orders, and discharging patients. Scribes also are able to assist physicians with basic patient care including performing vitals, non-invasive lab specimen collection, and EKGs. A formal, robust training program is provided to assist in the transition to this new clinical role.

This urgent care experience will provide Medical School graduates further clinical training to complement their medical school rotations. You will be exposed to a large variety of cases, including sore throats, sprains, fractures, lacerations, UTIs, headaches, chest pains, and abdominal pains in both adult and pediatric population while being involved throughout the entire patient encounter. The outpatient experience is unmatched and will set you up for success no matter what area of medicine you seek.

Unlike research positions, observerships, or externships at Hospitals, the position is paid. Scribes get the daily one-on-one time with physicians that is not available in so many other clinical positions. The continued clinical work, while impressive on applications, also will provide you time to study, complete applications, travel for interviews, or relax before residency.

To apply, please visit our website at

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