Technology Palm Treo 700wx Windows Mobile 6 update

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15+ Year Member
Mar 29, 2008
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For Verizon Wireless customers: The Windows Mobile 6 update is now available for the Treo 700wx

Get it here:

Make sure to read the fine print. Sounds like there may be some problems if you use TomTom navigation software with your Treo.

Windows Mobile 6 isn't a huge improvement over 5, so it may not be worth the trouble unless you want some of those features. It's a shame they didn't make the update a Windows Mobile 6.1 update.

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For Verizon Wireless customers: The Windows Mobile 6 update is now available for the Treo 700wx

Get it here:

Make sure to read the fine print. Sounds like there may be some problems if you use TomTom navigation software with your Treo.

Windows Mobile 6 isn't a huge improvement over 5, so it may not be worth the trouble unless you want some of those features. It's a shame they didn't make the update a Windows Mobile 6.1 update.

Why is palm h8tin on Sprint 700wx users? Come on palmy!!
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Windows Mobile 6 isn't as exciting as 6.1

Windows Mobile 7 is supposed to be coming out soon (although rumors of delays have recently emerged).