Pharmacy Volunteer in Atlanta

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Feb 6, 2017
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Hi! I'm a undergraduate wanting to become a pharmacist. I currently have about 2 more years til I get to pharmacy grad school. I was wondering if there were any places I could volunteer in Atlanta. I would like to gain some volunteer work experience before getting a job as a technician. I have zero job experience, so I thought a volunteer would help me out in the future. Does anyone know where I can volunteer in Atlanta to gain some pharmacy experience?

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If your school is affiliated with a hospital, I would suggest going there first. When I was an undergrad, there were volunteering programs for pre-health students, including pharmacy where you can volunteer. Be warned, many pharmacies are reluctant to let you volunteer due to simple drug risks (stealing, etc.), so you'll have to try. If you can't get a pharmacy volunteering position, try to get some clinical research done to apply.