PhORCAS Application - How Many Programs Did You Apply To?

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Oct 13, 2014
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Just submitted my PhORCAS application to 15 programs: Was just curious how many programs others have applied to as well. Of my 15, 13 are with VA Medical Centers with 2 others being non-profit hospitals near my hometown. As for my small background, medically retired army veteran with past experience working as a pharmacy tech with the DOD / VA as well as my APPE longitudinal site(s) being at a VA Health Care System as well.

My span is fairly wide (10 different states) with a handful already stating that they'll be doing virtual interviews. Has the pandemic caused others to apply more broadly and to more programs? Have others decided to apply in specific regions due to family or cost restrictions? Any specific interests in PGY-1 sites due to specific core or elective rotations being offered?

This cycle will be vastly different due to the ability to apply to specific programs without necessarily having to do a face to face (which I still prefer but doing virtual interviews does save on costs associated to each specific site). Not much recent talk lately on how this cycle is going so thought I'd throw this out here for discussion.

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I have zero interest in a residency but reading your post made me wonder. Does the VA give a veterans a priority status for residency interviews?
I have zero interest in a residency but reading your post made me wonder. Does the VA give a veterans a priority status for residency interviews?
No. However, individual VAs may factor in veteran status in their selection process.
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Of the programs I applied to, I met with 9 of them (at Midyear or a standard virtual meeting held by the program(s) who couldn't attend Midyear) and all but 2 stated that to some capacity, they do factor in veteran status as part of their selection criteria process but they rank it on the lower end for selection purposes.


I actually received a phone call earlier today from one of the VA sites for a virtual interview on Jan 7th. It happened to be one of the sites that stated they favored veterans for their PGY-1 program (she could've simply been overly stating it when I lightly brought it up in the conversation).
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Just submitted my PhORCAS application to 15 programs: Was just curious how many programs others have applied to as well. Of my 15, 13 are with VA Medical Centers with 2 others being non-profit hospitals near my hometown. As for my small background, medically retired army veteran with past experience working as a pharmacy tech with the DOD / VA as well as my APPE longitudinal site(s) being at a VA Health Care System as well.

My span is fairly wide (10 different states) with a handful already stating that they'll be doing virtual interviews. Has the pandemic caused others to apply more broadly and to more programs? Have others decided to apply in specific regions due to family or cost restrictions? Any specific interests in PGY-1 sites due to specific core or elective rotations being offered?

This cycle will be vastly different due to the ability to apply to specific programs without necessarily having to do a face to face (which I still prefer but doing virtual interviews does save on costs associated to each specific site). Not much recent talk lately on how this cycle is going so thought I'd throw this out here for discussion.

Same here. Army vet with 8 years in the military. I applied to 15 programs as well, good luck to both of us! I'm a non-traditional PharmD graduate, so was working and studying full-time. What are your stats, if I may ask?
Same here. Army vet with 8 years in the military. I applied to 15 programs as well, good luck to both of us! I'm a non-traditional PharmD graduate, so was working and studying full-time. What are your stats, if I may ask?

Good, someone else decided that 15 was a good number.

I'm also a non-trad student myself with a wife and two kids aged 7 and 5 yrs. As far as stats go academically, my school is a 3-year accelerated program that does a Pass/Fail curriculum (not GPA based). In order to pass each block, we were required to score a 90% or above. The interesting thing about ranking myself against my cohort is that the faculty will not release class rankings to "us" the students, rather they send it to the programs that request the ranking (so...blindly applying for many students was a bit of a stress factor to well established programs).

I participated in longitudinal research, held a few class office positions (elected class senate, appointed student ambassador, and helped create and co-founded our university Veterans Benefits Organization). Also have 500+ volunteer hours working in health clinics and community projects (splitting and hauling wood during the fall/winter seasons for fellow veterans, provided immunizations for the medicaid / medicare outreach communities, and tutored students taking the PTCB exam). When I was living overseas for a couple of years, I picked up a second language so I decided to spend my weekends in school being an assistance language tutor a few hours a week.

I am also under the Veteran Readiness and Employment Program which has covered all of my education, housing, and licensure material costs which was a huge blessing to free up my financial needs while still doing other activities during school and with the family. Fortunately, no student loans so I was able to cast a wider net across the U.S. I've definitely had my eye working within the VA for some time (albeit the red tape and federal buzz culture thrives highly in such environments).

Here's to a new year with hopefully decent outcomes -
Good, someone else decided that 15 was a good number.

I'm also a non-trad student myself with a wife and two kids aged 7 and 5 yrs. As far as stats go academically, my school is a 3-year accelerated program that does a Pass/Fail curriculum (not GPA based). In order to pass each block, we were required to score a 90% or above. The interesting thing about ranking myself against my cohort is that the faculty will not release class rankings to "us" the students, rather they send it to the programs that request the ranking (so...blindly applying for many students was a bit of a stress factor to well established programs).

I participated in longitudinal research, held a few class office positions (elected class senate, appointed student ambassador, and helped create and co-founded our university Veterans Benefits Organization). Also have 500+ volunteer hours working in health clinics and community projects (splitting and hauling wood during the fall/winter seasons for fellow veterans, provided immunizations for the medicaid / medicare outreach communities, and tutored students taking the PTCB exam). When I was living overseas for a couple of years, I picked up a second language so I decided to spend my weekends in school being an assistance language tutor a few hours a week.

I am also under the Veteran Readiness and Employment Program which has covered all of my education, housing, and licensure material costs which was a huge blessing to free up my financial needs while still doing other activities during school and with the family. Fortunately, no student loans so I was able to cast a wider net across the U.S. I've definitely had my eye working within the VA for some time (albeit the red tape and federal buzz culture thrives highly in such environments).

Here's to a new year with hopefully decent outcomes -

I ended up applying to 16 programs total. I figured with most of them being virtual interviews, it would behoove me to apply and try my luck. We shall see! Happy New Year!
As an FYI (For those hearing rumors of PhORCAS having glitches in sending out applications) - Here is a message from ASHP:

I applied to 7 but I wish I had applied to more. So far it’s working out ok 4 interviews, 1 rejection and still waiting to hear from 2. I actually have 1 VA interview and waiting to hear from another VA.
I’m still waiting to hear back from 3. Thus far 8 interviews with 4 rejections. Honestly if it wasn’t for the current pandemic status pushing programs to do virtual interviews, I would’ve considered applying to perhaps 8 or 9 sites.

Im in the middle of flying to my one and only face-to-face interview (literally having a layover in Denver right now). I can quickly see how flying out to multiple sites over a 1-3 week span in different states can be a nightmare.
I have zero interest in a residency but reading your post made me wonder. Does the VA give a veterans a priority status for residency interviews?
No I did not get any special considerations during my process and also found out that they are not required to since a residency is technically a 1 or 2 year contract. Even the job hiring process for a regular pharmacist position do not have to consider veteran preference since it's under Title 38 (hybrid). The only time vet preference plays a part is the VA HPSP application or if you can referred to the hiring manager based on point preference.
I have zero interest in a residency but reading your post made me wonder. Does the VA give a veterans a priority status for residency interviews?
seeing your background I forgot to mention that you might have known about a DHA MTF trying to allow civilian GS within the same agency that were supposed to be slotted for AD 67E's and turned out to be disaster when it came to accommodate for OT during residency....smh