Pittsburgh acceptance

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Jun 17, 2007
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Has anyone heard anything from Pitt? Phone call, email, or aaddsas status change?

Thanks so much!!!

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they send out a packet in the mail...i got it saturday, some other people got it friday...
no aadsas change and no phone call and no email
Snail mail received friday.
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If anyone hears anything ie. Phone, email or AADSAS, please update! Thanks!

So much for Dec. :p
Got a letter in the mail. My AADSAS status still says "received / under review" though which is weird.
I withdrew my acceptance to Pitt, so I really hope that means that they will send out one more acceptance to you guys that are waiting. Good luck :)
Pitt by mail, aadsas still says received/under review!
Anyone know when's the next time they will send out acceptances? Do they wait until a specific date or do they do it once a student rejects an offer?
I live in Michigan and haven't gotten a packet yet.. I wonder if it's lost or it's just late..