Poll: What made you choose dental school?

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Jan 17, 2005
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I'm thinking about dental school now and would love to hear responses for the following:
1- When did you decide to on dentistry?
2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?
3- Do you have Plan B options?
4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?
Thanks :)

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1) When I was early on in college, after shadowing many doctors and a few dentists.

2) Great patient contact, ability to do a lot of procedures, good hours

3) If I don't get in this round then I'll get a masters and apply again.

4) No, but if I don't get into dental school after 3 or so tries (which I hope is highly unlikely) then I might consider a Caribbean med school
1- When did you decide to on dentistry?
End of junior year (but I'm a super senior now)
2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?

  1. Great service to community
  2. quick in-and-out treatments, and no life and death (who wants to tell people they are going to die every day???)
  3. Not only will I be able to buy that ski boat I've been drooling over, I'll always have the weekends free to use it!
  4. Autonomy of owning own business

3- Do you have Plan B options?
There's always med school....I would re-apply at this point before I did that though.
4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?
I think that says that you are too indecisive. Make a decision of what you want to do and go for it.
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1- When did you decide to on dentistry?
About a year ago September - that was the start of my sophomore (year-wise) or senior (credit-wise) year.

2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?
It's family-friendly, you can make your own hours to a certain extent, and it pays well (no pesky HMOs). Plus, I liked drilling but hate hard-hats :D

3- Do you have Plan B options?
Apply again next cycle.

4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?
Not me...
1. When I was in high school after shadowing an orthodontist and then an oral surgeon.

2. I love how dentistry intertwines art and science. Also, I'm good with my hands, love detail, and I'm very meticulous (characteristics I have found useful for being a dentist). I also like that there are rarely emergencies, the lifestyle is conducive for a woman (having a family and also working), and I appreciate the autonomy in having my own practice.

3. I'm pretty sure I will get in on my first try when I apply this spring (so I've been told).

4. I never really wanted to go to med school, and I don't think dental schools like to see that you are thinking about both.
1- When did you decide to on dentistry?
After completing a dental assistant training program, and shadowing my family doctor, dentist, and orthodontist.

2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?
Lifestyle, autonomy, private enterprise, cosmetics.

3- Do you have Plan B options?
Sure, if I don't get in after 2 tries, there is always Carib. med schools.

4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?
No way, not at the same time.
1- When did you decide to on dentistry?
During my sophomore year after undergoing a major elbow surgery. Got me interested in medicine and working in healthcare.

2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?
Great profession, autonomy, financial stability, interesting and challenging, I have first hand experience (both my p's are dentists).

3- Do you have Plan B options?
Nope, I applied twice and got in the second time. I am going through a year of grad school and would have continued to do so until I was accepted.

4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?
Nope. Dentistry is MUCH better anyway! :thumbup: :D :thumbup:
When did you decide to on dentistry?[/B]
My cousin is a dentist and he introduced me to his field

What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?[/B]
super interesting also will give me the ability to do more with my life for others.

Do you have Plan B options?
I am already a CPA and have a masters from UNCC
Ill crunch some numbers for another year if necessary

Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?[/B]
No. Medical school is not for me. I am not doing this for the money or for prestige. Its all about the love of helping people while enjoying what I do for a living. Thats the goal. MAybe if it doesnt work out Ill become a school teacher.
1- When did you decide to on dentistry?

After working in the real world for a few years, I realized that I wanted to do clinical work.

2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?

Personal satisfaction of working with people, being able to see the product of your work, autonomy, job flexibility, challenge, financial reward, job security

3- Do you have Plan B options?


4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?

No. I always thought that this was a funny question, because medicine and dentistry really are quite different fields. But I think way more people apply to both med and dental schools than admit it on SDN. Personally, I don't have any problem w/ that, I just hope they pick the one that ultimately makes them happiest.
thanks for all your replies!
1- When did you decide to on dentistry?

All my life, but seriously considered my senior year of undergrad....

2- What are your major reasons for choosing dentistry?

I have always enjoyed going to my dentist's office. The clean fresh smell of the office (lol), but mostly the almost instant gratification of delivering care and help to patients (unlike med docs whom usually help their patients over a period of time). Financial security, regular work load (~40 hrs), and the white colar is nice too.

3- Do you have Plan B options?

Yes, I did...Graduated in May 2004, wasnt accepted....retook some science classes that I had C's in and got A's....and increased my DAT score and reapplied......got in!! :love:

4- Is anyone applying to both med and dental school?

Never....my brother was a fourth year med student when I was applying the first time to D-school and I heard nothing but complaining and "It's awesome but I work too much!"