Post-Bac or SMP advice?

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Jun 6, 2016
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I realize there have been a few similar threads to this, but I was really hoping I can get some personal advice from you all.

I have currently been accepted to a few competitive SMP's (Georgetown, Boston MAMS, EVMS) and Post-Bacs (Penn, KGI). I was wondering if given my stats, you guys have any advice if I should side with the SMP or the Post-Bac route. Keep in mind the two Post-Bacs are "academic enhancers" specifically for students with a scientific background and a low GPA.

Here are my stats: 3.0 sGPA, 3.25 cGPA, 511 MCAT. Graduated from an ivy league in human biology, have tons of clinical experience, research, and great extracurriculars (was on a varsity team all four years).

Given these stats, what option do you think will be the best? A Post-Bacc will improve my low GPA, but doing well in an SMP might be enough to make med schools think twice. If you know about any of the programs, would you recommend them specifically due to my stats? Any advice is welcome. Thanks so much.

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Hi! I know this post is old, but I am currently in your literal EXACT same position. I have been accepted to a few SMPs (Georgetown, Tufts, Boston MAMS) and post-baccs (Penn, KGI, Temple, Case Western). I have the same stats as you, as well (sGPA 3.0 cGPA 3.3). I am taking the MCAT this summer before joining a program. Do you have any advice on whichever route you chose?? I am really struggling to choose which type of program and which one!!!
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Hi! I know this post is old, but I am currently in your literal EXACT same position. I have been accepted to a few SMPs (Georgetown, Tufts, Boston MAMS) and post-baccs (Penn, KGI, Temple, Case Western). I have the same stats as you, as well (sGPA 3.0 cGPA 3.3). I am taking the MCAT this summer before joining a program. Do you have any advice on whichever route you chose?? I am really struggling to choose which type of program and which one!!!
Hi, you and i are also in the same boat, as far as stats, except i am pre dental, from what research i’ve been doing is you need to decide if you want to do a post bacc program which gpa would be factored into your undergrad gpa or would you prefer to do a masters which would be its own separate gpa! I know a few of these programs have mcat prep, is there a reason you’re deciding to take the mcat prior to the program instead of taking it after you complete the program?
Hi! I know this post is old, but I am currently in your literal EXACT same position. I have been accepted to a few SMPs (Georgetown, Tufts, Boston MAMS) and post-baccs (Penn, KGI, Temple, Case Western). I have the same stats as you, as well (sGPA 3.0 cGPA 3.3). I am taking the MCAT this summer before joining a program. Do you have any advice on whichever route you chose?? I am really struggling to choose which type of program and which one!!!
HI! Any update on where you ended up choosing to go and your thoughts on the program?