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Dec 10, 2014
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Curious to know about the post match experience. I didn't apply to any residency programs, but I am now thinking about post matching. I called the national match services and they told me when post match becomes available I can directly contact schools that may have positions. So, here are my questions I have for those who have gone through the post match process.

1. Is it necessary for me to still register for match? I was told the only way to see a list of schools who have open positions is through the match website. Can I just technically call schools I am interested in and see if they have positions instead of spending the $95 to register just to see a list of schools.

2. In regards to calling schools once you talked to program directors did they ask you to send in transcripts, letter of recommendations? Did they do a phone interview or do they actually want to do a face to face interview for post match?

3. How long is post match open? Is there a certain time frame schools operate on or just until they have filled all their spots.

Thanks in advance to all who will respond to this post.

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The post match is tricky, and if you do not have a PASS application, you will need to assemble the entire package yourself, and have it ready to fly on Match Day. Once the list of unmatched positions is published, the choice spots will be inundated with calls, faxes, and emails. If you want a chance at a good spot, you must have everything ready to send almost immediately. What should you have?

Board scores
Personal Statement
CBSE score (OMFS only)
Two or three letters of recommendation
CV (in lieu of list of EC's)

If you are planning on going post match, start getting this together now. Most programs will want some type of interview, so you may have to travel on short notice. A skype interview is good for the program, but you will not have much of a chance to see the facilities or speak to multiple current residents.
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The post match is tricky, and if you do not have a PASS application, you will need to assemble the entire package yourself, and have it ready to fly on Match Day. Once the list of unmatched positions is published, the choice spots will be inundated with calls, faxes, and emails. If you want a chance at a good spot, you must have everything ready to send almost immediately. What should you have?

Board scores
Personal Statement
CBSE score (OMFS only)
Two or three letters of recommendation
CV (in lieu of list of EC's)

If you are planning on going post match, start getting this together now. Most programs will want some type of interview, so you may have to travel on short notice. A skype interview is good for the program, but you will not have much of a chance to see the facilities or speak to multiple current residents.
Thank you for your reply. I have an an actual ADEA PASS application with all my information already on there and completed including LOR, transcript, CV etc. I just never actually submitted it because at that time I was still on the fence about residencies. So, for the LOR I need to ask the people who wrote those letters to give me actual physical hard copies now correct?
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Thank you for your reply. I have an an actual ADEA PASS application with all my information already on there and completed including LOR, transcript, CV etc. I just never actually submitted it because at that time I was still on the fence about residencies. So, for the LOR I need to ask the people who wrote those letters to give me actual physical hard copies now correct?

Here is how it worked for me

1. I had registered for MATCH
2. I applied late, so did not get to apply to a whole lot of programs. Had 1 program in my rank list and did not MATCH (no surprise here)
3. Day of MATCH: MATCH RESULTS out at 7 am (Central time) The MATCH website says the results are released around noon, but it was out early. Not sure if this is the norm, or an outlier.
4. Around noon, the Post Match positions are published in the MATCH website (I read in a thread somewhere that only folks that do not MATCH have access to this list. Verify this please)
5. Start applying through PASS and send your application
6. Contact the Program Directors personally (if possible. I could only get in touch with 1 director, out of 5 programs that I applied to. Still, keep trying)
7. Once the application is submitted, the programs will contact you if they think you are a suitable candidate. They may ask for documents they want.
In my case, two programs asked for a summary of the PASS application, which you can find on the PASS website after all application material is ready.
8. I had one phone interview (2 hours long), and 1 onsite. Two other programs also offered onsite interviews.
9. Got offered a residency on the same day of the phone call interview, and within 7 days after the onsite interview. I chose the program that offered after 7 days.

ONE thing I recommend: Make sure you have taken some time off your school/ work on the day of the MATCH,( or at least a couple of hours ) IF you want to apply post match. You will need it, especially if the programs contact you for documents or phone interview.

HERE is my take:
if you are willing to risk it, I found the POST MATCH a much easier process. IT IS A RISK, and who knows what programs end up having open positions. You have even less control. You may have to go visit a program on a short notice. (MATCH was Nov 28 Thursday, talked to director Thursday, and he wanted me to come on Friday for the interview !!!!!!!!. Because I work, and had a full schedule of patients, I negotiated to come for the interview on Tuesday)

The advantage is, of course, less of a wait time ( and less candidates that apply) so the contract is offered within a short time frame if they like you as the programs are under pressure to fill the positions ASAP

It was not a gamble I chose, but it was one which paid off fine for me
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Thank you for your reply. I have an an actual ADEA PASS application with all my information already on there and completed including LOR, transcript, CV etc. I just never actually submitted it because at that time I was still on the fence about residencies. So, for the LOR I need to ask the people who wrote those letters to give me actual physical hard copies now correct?
The LOR's are part of the PASS application, if you asked the people who wrote for you to submit through PASS. I agree that you should take the day off to work on this, if that is possible. The programs with open slots will be inundated. The top programs often do not have any open positions, so don't be surprised. The open GPR spots take some time to fill. The open Pedo spots will be filled quite quickly. Good luck.
May I clarify-
If I already have a PASS application on file with LOR's, everything... I am able to submit it to the programs for POST MATCH through the NMS website? Or do I need to ask the faculty to send me a copy of their LOR to email it from my personal email?

Thanks in advance.
May I clarify-
If I already have a PASS application on file with LOR's, everything... I am able to submit it to the programs for POST MATCH through the NMS website? Or do I need to ask the faculty to send me a copy of their LOR to email it from my personal email?

Thanks in advance.

That depends on the program

Your application on file is the initial step on Post Match day

Choose whatever programs you want on NMS Post Match list, pay and have your application sent to these programs.

MOST programs are fine with this application
SOME programs are not. But these programs will contact you via email, and have you send them certain documetns

My experience this year
1. One program wanted LORs sent to them directly . I emailed them saying I did not have copies with me as those that wrote my LORs submitted it to ADEA PASS directly, but it was available to the program via the NMS website. Did not hear back for a few days, but then got invited to the interview.

2. Two programs wanted the PDF summary of the application (which you can download off the application website)

3. One program wanted my DDS transcript, Resume, Cover Letter etc emailed to them. The program director contacted me via email, and had these sent to him

Now, I have read in one of the posts that you can have a friend provide you the POST MATCH program list and call the programs directly so you do not have to pay. I don't know if this is true, but please verify. I may have had to pay, but sure was a whole lot easier that trying to contact each of these programs directly. I applied through the website, but also tried to call these programs. In almost all cases, it went to VM, and no one called back. I would rather pay and have the peace of mind knowing the programs got my application through NMS.

One last thing, and I have mentioned this before, take some time off on MATCH day, as you can see, you may have to send some documents to the programs, and even have phone interviews. I had the first interview the same evening (2 hours)

GOOD LUCK TO YOU. let me know if you need more information
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That depends on the program

Your application on file is the initial step on Post Match day

Choose whatever programs you want on NMS Post Match list, pay and have your application sent to these programs.

MOST programs are fine with this application
SOME programs are not. But these programs will contact you via email, and have you send them certain documetns

My experience this year
1. One program wanted LORs sent to them directly . I emailed them saying I did not have copies with me as those that wrote my LORs submitted it to ADEA PASS directly, but it was available to the program via the NMS website. Did not hear back for a few days, but then got invited to the interview.

2. Two programs wanted the PDF summary of the application (which you can download off the application website)

3. One program wanted my DDS transcript, Resume, Cover Letter etc emailed to them. The program director contacted me via email, and had these sent to him

Now, I have read in one of the posts that you can have a friend provide you the POST MATCH program list and call the programs directly so you do not have to pay. I don't know if this is true, but please verify. I may have had to pay, but sure was a whole lot easier that trying to contact each of these programs directly. I applied through the website, but also tried to call these programs. In almost all cases, it went to VM, and no one called back. I would rather pay and have the peace of mind knowing the programs got my application through NMS.

One last thing, and I have mentioned this before, take some time off on MATCH day, as you can see, you may have to send some documents to the programs, and even have phone interviews. I had the first interview the same evening (2 hours)

GOOD LUCK TO YOU. let me know if you need more information

THANK YOU for taking the time to reply. Very informative. =)
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Can you apply for Post Match spots at programs you didn't origninally apply through PASS? How do you send them letters of recommendation in a confidential manner? I still don't understand from the posts above. Thanks.

YES>> you can apply to any programs that are on the list, even if you did not originally applied to them. Heck, you can even apply to a whole different specialty if you wanted to.

When you apply, like you originally did prior to match, ADEA PASS would send your whole application packet to the chosen program. The post match works the same way. If you have a completed application process, and you chose a post match program, and pay the required fees, ADEA PASS sends your complete application packet to that program
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Once post match positions are released, do you recommend to call the programs first or go to PASS website and send the applications?
Once post match positions are released, do you recommend to call the programs first or go to PASS website and send the applications?

Send the application. It costs money but it is worth it.

After I sent the PASS application, I tried called the programs. I had called all 5 programs, and I got a call back from 1 Program director.
I left voicemails on all, but no call back from the other 4.

So my recommendation is send it through PASS. It costs money, but it gave me the peace of mind knowing the programs got the application. from PASS.
It also gives the program directors an opportunity to look at your resumes, transcripts , LORs etc so they know who they are talking to when they decide to contact.

When you call and leave the voicemail, how long do you wanna wait for them to call back? When you send the application, they will review it at their scheduled time, and contact you.
Great information - another question: If you applied to the school pre match and did not hear from them (no interview) and they have post match openings, do you need to re-apply when the post match list is posted? Or just try to contact them and let them know you are still interested?
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That is a good question. Can you re-apply post-match to the programs you applied to pre-match if they still have spots?
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It is not too late to send your application in now. You can still get a lot of responses. When it comes to post-match you will have an easier time getting everything together if you do it now (even if you don't select programs). Also post-match positions tend to be the programs people do not want to attend (and you may find that you will not enjoy attending as well). The safest bet would be to apply to at least a few programs now, so you have a chance to match now.