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Oct 7, 2016
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Has anyone had any experience with the Atlantis Project pre-med fellowship? Or any premed fellowships abroad? I wanna do shadowing during the summer break and I'm curious if this might be a good opportunity for me.

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I had a couple friends go on the Atlantis Project fellowship and they really enjoyed their time there. However, it's mostly just a good opportunity for tourism rather than anything worthwhile on a medical school application. Shadowing doesn't need to be in excess of ~50 hours for a successful application, and should be focused more on American physicians because you are trying to get a sense of what it will be like as an American physician rather than in another country with a vastly different healthcare system. If you're looking to do this for the shadowing component and nothing else, I'd say it might be better to find something else to do. Hundreds of hours of shadowing doesn't help your application, especially when it was done abroad. If you just really have an interest and want to go travel abroad for a little while, then by all means go ahead, but know that it's not going to be looked upon too kindly by admissions committees.
I had a couple friends go on the Atlantis Project fellowship and they really enjoyed their time there. However, it's mostly just a good opportunity for tourism rather than anything worthwhile on a medical school application. Shadowing doesn't need to be in excess of ~50 hours for a successful application, and should be focused more on American physicians because you are trying to get a sense of what it will be like as an American physician rather than in another country with a vastly different healthcare system. If you're looking to do this for the shadowing component and nothing else, I'd say it might be better to find something else to do. Hundreds of hours of shadowing doesn't help your application, especially when it was done abroad. If you just really have an interest and want to go travel abroad for a little while, then by all means go ahead, but know that it's not going to be looked upon too kindly by admissions committees.

Thanks for the reply, while I do want to explore other countries and cultures my main goal with shadowing is to ultimately utilize it to get into med school. Any programs you know of that might be good? Or do you think I should just forego shadowing altogether?
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Thanks for the reply, while I do want to explore other countries and cultures my main goal with shadowing is to ultimately utilize it to get into med school. Any programs you know of that might be good? Or do you think I should just forego shadowing altogether?
I wouldn't forego shadowing all together. It's definitely important to do to learn more about different opportunities in the medical field. It's not something you necessarily need a program for though. I would just get in touch with a local hospital or clinic and they should be able to help you out.
Any programs you know of that might be good? Or do you think I should just forego shadowing altogether?
As I said in my reply, you need to shoot for about 40-50 hours of shadowing a physician in the US. If you have any family contacts or contacts through your undergraduate pre-med advising office those would be good avenues to pursue to find a shadowing opportunity with a local physician. Otherwise, you should just make a few phone calls to get an idea of which physicians in the area are open to having students shadow them for a day or two. I'd recommend looking for a primary care physician (family practice, internal medicine, pediatrician, etc.) for the majority of your shadowing, but specialists would also be good to check out too!
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I plan to go into Oncology so I guess I could try to see if an Oncologist would be willing to let me shadow, I'll check out the other docs you mentioned as well so I have plenty of options. Thanks for all the info I really appreciate. So much to do, and I know so little it's nice to have some guidance.