Pre-Med Plan

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Jun 26, 2016
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I Graduated this past year from my high school and community college with a Interdisciplinary Studies degree (Big Regret). When I transfered to The University of Texas RGV I enrolled as an incoming Junior. Not knowing that I no longer had filler classes to enroll in. Left with all the core sciences.

The thing is that I have only taken Bio 1401-02 and Chem 1311, along with the perspective labs. I have already moved my MCAT date to when I am a senior. Any idea on what classes I should take this last two years along with summers if possible I have attached the Degree Plan of my University for guidance I would really appreaciate the help. I Have a 3.3 Gpa at the moment if that is relevant (I plan to apply to McGovern School of Medicine in Houston and TAMU College of Medicine if that helps determining the pre-reqs needed)

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You're not exactly a non-trad student. You're a traditional student, because you're still in college. You have tons of time. A non-trad is someone who is usually older and has started another career already.
Generally they graduated from at least their bachelor's degree several several years back.

This will get you started. Many schools require 90 credits total.

2 semesters ea: biology(with lab), chemistry(intro with lab), o. chem(with lab), physics(sometimes only 1 semester with lab), and english.

Many schools want you to have social sciences, biochemistry, and several higher level bio course credit.
You're not exactly a non-trad student. You're a traditional student, because you're still in college. You have tons of time. A non-trad is someone who is usually older and has started another career already.
Generally they graduated from at least their bachelor's degree several several years back.

This will get you started. Many schools require 90 credits total.

2 semesters ea: biology(with lab), chemistry(intro with lab), o. chem(with lab), physics(sometimes only 1 semester with lab), and english.

Many schools want you to have social sciences, biochemistry, and several higher level bio course credit.

I am so sorry I am new to the forum any idea where I could place this post? And thanks for the reply
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I am so sorry I am new to the forum any idea where I could place this post? And thanks for the reply
Don't be sorry! You're ok. You don't have to re-post. I think I just answered your question for you.
That's what you wanted to know, right? Which classes you needed to get into med school?
Don't be sorry! You're ok. You don't have to re-post. I think I just answered your question for you.
That's what you wanted to know, right? Which classes you needed to get into med school?

Yes! Thanks also kinda wanted to know what and what to take with out over doing it like what sciences to combine
Yes! Thanks also kinda wanted to know what and what to take with out over doing it like what sciences to combine

So, you basically took a year of biology and a semester of chemistry, correct?

You're going to have to take the chemistry courses in order, so there's not much getting around that.
You're a junior now, right?
Yr3F= Physics1 , English, Social Science, upper level bio
Yr3S=Physics2, Chem2, English, Social Science
Summer?=Ochem1, upper level bio
Yr4F=Ochem1 (unless taken in the summer), upper level bio, possibly biochem
Yr4S=Ochem2, upper level bio, possibly biochem (unless taken)

My suggestions for upper level bio include: physiology, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, cell biology, etc.
Try for 300-400 level courses.

Also, do yourself a favor and try to nab professors who will give you a recommendation along the way.
Yr3F= Physics1 , English, Social Science, upper level bio
Yr3S=Physics2, Chem2, English, Social Science
Summer?=Ochem1, upper level bio
Yr4F=Ochem1 (unless taken in the summer), upper level bio, possibly biochem
Yr4S=Ochem2, upper level bio, possibly biochem (unless taken)

My suggestions for upper level bio include: physiology, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, cell biology, etc.
Try for 300-400 level courses.

Also, do yourself a favor and try to nab professors who will give you a recommendation along the way.

Yes Junior I have complete all my core requirements (English, History, Psychology, Statistics Etc) and Thank You! i'll start looking into the upper level courses with my Advisor in the weeks ahead
Yes Junior I have complete all my core requirements (English, History, Psychology, Statistics Etc) and Thank You! i'll start looking into the upper level courses with my Advisor in the weeks ahead

Most schools will require that you take two english courses and two social science courses, instead of just one of each. Unless you took two of each for both topic, you'll want to take another of each. For instance, I took english literature and english writing. I took sociology, psychology, and various higher level soc and psych courses. Make sure you take two of each.

The ones I listed for the upper level bio courses are on the recommended list for many schools. Immunology is another one that they seem to like. Although not required, it's an example of one they have listed along with the other higher level bio ones.
Yep, I was reading a bunch of threads about it on SDN. They seem to like natives so much I'm actually considering not applying
Haha yeah we kind of like to take care of our own first