PreMed Applicant HELP medical withdrawal and GPA

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May 19, 2016
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I needed a bit of help with advising and the classes I should choose. I had a medical withdrawal on the fall of 2015 due to epilepsy diagnosis and short term memory loss (amnesia). On the spring of 2016 I had straight Bs due to the stupid drowsy pills I had to take. GPA is in 3.6 now. An adviser told me it's best if I go deep in sciences and show I improved and my excuse holds true. My school offers medical/graduate courses to undergraduate but they're really expensive to take. EC has a high stat by the time I apply. The question is this: Do I need to go deep in sciences? If yes is biochem my best option since the new MCAT is flooded with biochem? Maybe psych? If no, should I just spend time on practice courses and kill the MCAT? The good side of sciences is that when you go deep in biochem they can get you ready for basic science for USMLE step 1. The bad side is that they can ruin or build your GPA depending on who your professor is. English major with science GPA of 3.5 and total GPA of 3.6-3.7.

I would appreciate your help and please consider that my goal is to get at least into the top public schools in the south and big schools in north. Also, please elaborate on the medical school discrimination against a medical condition. I know for sure they can't say no since I'm getting treated for the episode and they're extremely rare.

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Taking a couple graduate level science classes would show that you can handle the rigor of med school. Biochem is a good option and remember to volunteer until you can't anymore.
Thanks for the response guys!

Haha, I'm sitting in a volunteer interview right now. Working on a case presentation for research. Shadowing hours are around 600. If I get a gap year, maybe a master program in English or go abroad. The total GPA is a 3.57. But it's going up at the end of summer.

Already took a 4000 Biochem, neuroscience but not immunology. I'll go deeper in Biochem I guess. Right now I have genetic and microbiology. I can redo some of the AP courses and pull the GPA up. Physics and calc are both my skills. Also, haven't taken eukaryotic cell structure (cell bio) yet. There are courses that actually get you to read research papers rather than text book (basically a deeper version of MCAT). These are all 5000 level though. The GPA is going to go up for sure because the hard courses are over. If the course has a detailed format it should be a simple one since it's not too general I guess. The Biochem department at my school combines the 2 (3 credit) courses and makes one 4 credit.

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Also, never got a C on the transcript. Just As and Bs. One B- and that was on a neuroscience course. I can go in depth in physics and pull straight As up to intro to quantum mechanics. I just don't wanna waste money on something that's unnecessary. Also, I might have to put in time from MCAT and drop the Greek organization if I'm going in grad level since they take both: time and fundings. The issue with advising is that you can never tell if they're speaking for their department sake or for your sake. I'm more than happy to go deep into Biochem but I honestly don't know what's coming up. As you mentioned, it's a risk.

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