Quitting Job before Medical School Acceptance

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7+ Year Member
Oct 7, 2014
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Hello all,

Let me explain my situation. I currently work as a research coordinator at a big hospital. It is my first research position and I am finding that I am very overwhelmed. On my AMCAS application, I indicated that I would be tentatively working from June 2015 to June 2016...however, I really want to leave ASAP. The reason why this is especially tricky is because my boss wrote me LOR for medical school recently and a bunch of other research coordinators have left (1 left legitimately the other gave two weeks’ notice and left after only being there for like 6 months)...they also don’t work directly for my PI, rather for one of his colleagues.

ANYWAYS...do you guys think I can leave my job say early February and medical schools won’t find out – or is this too risky. Also, if they do find out, will they care? I’m just feeling really anxious and need to leave, any help/suggestions would mean more than you can imagine. Thank you so much guys..

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It's not like the activities you indicated you would be doing in the future on AMCAS are legally binding. If you want to leave your job, leave your job.
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If you don't get into medical school this cycle, will you want a LOR from your boss for the next?

If yes, be careful not to burn the bridge.
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It's not like the activities you indicated you would be doing in the future on AMCAS are legally binding. If you want to leave your job, leave your job.

+1. I can't wait to walk out of mine and never think about it again.
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It's perfectly fine. You thought you would be, but you changed your mind. It doesn't matter if med schools "find out," because you aren't doing anything wrong. It's understandable that things in the future change, and outside of completing your bachelor's degree, it doesn't matter.

Also, just practically speaking, no med school only accepted you only because they thought you would be researching until June and wouldn't have done so if they had known you were going to quit in February.
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It's not like the activities you indicated you would be doing in the future on AMCAS are legally binding. If you want to leave your job, leave your job.

This and if you're professional about it, it shouldn't be a big deal. Turnover is a normal part of running any sort of business/organization. Give a minimum of two weeks notice and it should be okay.
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My advice would be to wait until you have an acceptance, or at least a bit later into the interview season. Although it's okay if something indicated on your amcas changes, it may be hard to explain at an interview if they ask you about your current position. And if you end up having to reapply next cycle, you'll want to show some kind on continuity in your employment.
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