Reading Comp HELP!

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May 8, 2016
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I just started studying for the DAT for the second time and have been having a tough time with the reading comp section. I have used the Kaplan BB section tests and done the all Bootcamp section tests (my score on the real test wasn't comparable). This section is really bringing my overall score down. Does anyone know any other good resources to help me out? I have noticed that the questions them selves are giving me the most problems. What would the best strategies to go about them?

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the simplest method is reading the whole passage within 4-5 minutes and then doing the questions. while you read, don't read it like you are studying for a test. But skim it all quickly.
the other method is this :
These 2 are of the most efficient methods IMO.

Thank you! Would you know of any strategies that help with the question aspect? That's been giving me an issue. Or would this be the same advice as that link?
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Thank you! Would you know of any strategies that help with the question aspect? That's been giving me an issue. Or would this be the same advice as that link?
yup, checkout the thread. the question is giving you problem because you may not have enough time to fully comprehend it (hence, reading comprehension). The questions are not intended to be very hard, the problem is that sometimes we spend too much time trying to understand the passage and run out of time on questions. That's the trick, same for other exams like MCAT etc. I too was somewhat struggling but I followed the link.
Most of the questions are straight forward and he answers are given right in the passage. It's all about how well you memorize where a topic was at, or how fast you are at looking at a question and skimming.

That being said, there are answers that are close to the real thing so you can't jump the gun, read every answer before choosing one.

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Most of the questions are straight forward and he answers are given right in the passage. It's all about how well you memorize where a topic was at, or how fast you are at looking at a question and skimming.

That being said, there are answers that are close to the real thing so you can't jump the gun, read every answer before choosing one.

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Do you recommend writing down the questions first and then reading the passage? I meant writing down just what the question is asking for in a word or 2 and then read the passage and try and find the answer (like the search and destroy method)? Will this eat up too much time?
Do you recommend writing down the questions first and then reading the passage? I meant writing down just what the question is asking for in a word or 2 and then read the passage and try and find the answer (like the search and destroy method)? Will this eat up too much time?
Look up passage mapping
Do you recommend writing down the questions first and then reading the passage? I meant writing down just what the question is asking for in a word or 2 and then read the passage and try and find the answer (like the search and destroy method)? Will this eat up too much time?

Honestly, it just depends on your preference.
My problem with mapping is that I felt it took up way too much time.
Secondly, lets say the question asks about blood and so I write that down...the passage may mention blood 10 times in 5 different paragraphs. And so without reading the passage first, it is hard to know wether the question is broad or specific. That's why I made the balanced method to combine the two ways. Although, there are speed readers out there where mapping/search and destroy is a no-brainer and super easy. Or there are people who can memorize everything after reading once and so the questions after come easy. I was in-between the two.

Practice multiple methods and find which works best and stick with it!