Reading Comprehension and full length exams???????????

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Aug 26, 2015
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Hey guys,

I am having a hard time finding sources to help me with practicing for RC section of the DAT.
I'm also wondering where I could find full length practice exams? I currently have the 2007 and 2009 exams but thats about it 🙁

Thank you!

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Yeah resources for the RC section are thin. One thing that a lot of people do are read scientific american articles. These should be similar to the articles that you are going to see on the DAT. I know Bootcamp has some. One thing I have been trying to do is after looking at some of the questions on the limited practice material, I make my own "tests".

I read one article a day (I am still a ways out from my test). I time it and try my best to skim and only take in important information. I then try to think of answers to the questions that I have seen before and try to understand each paragraph while skimming. I then read the article completely and see what I missed or if I misunderstood things.

Not sure if this helps at all for you.
I used the bootcamp and qvault RC tests to help me prepare. I thought bootcamp was the most helpful. You need to find a strategy and stick with it. Doing multiple tests helps you refine your strategy. Time goes by much faster on the real test in my opinion and it's helpful to be able to read quick and take good notes and still be able to answer all the questions correctly.
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I used the bootcamp and qvault RC tests to help me prepare. I thought bootcamp was the most helpful. You need to find a strategy and stick with it. Doing multiple tests helps you refine your strategy. Time goes by much faster on the real test in my opinion and it's helpful to be able to read quick and take good notes and still be able to answer all the questions correctly.

Thank you! but prepare for RC or practice full length exams?
Yeah resources for the RC section are thin. One thing that a lot of people do are read scientific american articles. These should be similar to the articles that you are going to see on the DAT. I know Bootcamp has some. One thing I have been trying to do is after looking at some of the questions on the limited practice material, I make my own "tests".

I read one article a day (I am still a ways out from my test). I time it and try my best to skim and only take in important information. I then try to think of answers to the questions that I have seen before and try to understand each paragraph while skimming. I then read the article completely and see what I missed or if I misunderstood things.

Not sure if this helps at all for you.

Very helpful, thank you. what about full length practice exams?
I know that DAT genius has one practice test. The other thing that I do is go to the public library. In my area they have a KBB, Barons and couple other books for the DAT. This is how I am trying to keep costs low. These books are a little dated but for RC that shouldn't really matter. This might be an option for you. I also will occasionally go to Barnes and Noble get a coffee and read through some of their test materials for free. If you go to google and type in DAT test in google books you can get previews for some of them. They only give certain pages but sometimes you can get a full RC passage and questions.

Not sure if these are things that could work for you but give them a try.

Sometimes too if you go to your university, and sometimes community college, they have testing resources for their preprofessional students that they loan out or let you use in the office.
2009, and 2007 tests are for people who have already prepared for the test and want to see how much they are faring and if they need more practice or not.

You don't use them to practice yet; you need more resources.
For me I got the Gold standard books for RC and QR, it has some tips and practice as mini-tests and full tests not as much as I want to though, but you need more than one book; you need to practice on a computer.
Datbootcamp dat genius, datqvault, crack the dat, achiever, top scores all have RC sections that you can either purchase individually or together.
But I paid 40 dollars for Scientific American subscription, digital with archive access up to 4 years. Purchase it online not via phone
that way you can read articles on your laptop or via their app phone.
Very useful, it will make you more knowledgeable and better at reading.

I don't know how good are you in this section, but you always need to practice!
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Don't need to practice IMO. The real thing is a lot easier than any practice material out there. If you can read english at a good pace you will do just fine. I took a nap during my RC in the extra 20 minutes I had...

I gave myself a massage with the extra 10 I had lol.
at the time of studying, I was taking 6 credits and it was all reading. So I was whizzing through my reading cause I was reading so much. I would find like a psych book, or something with denser content but good flow and read it. Try to go for a good combo of retention and speed.

DAT Genius offers 1 practice test in each subject for free!
There are a couple resources that offer Reading Comprehension Tests under the same testing conditions:
•Crack the DAT/Crack DAT READING
•OAT Achiever
•OAT QVault

I've taken a couple diagnostic tests and I need to work on my timing and experimenting with different strategies. It's a little different when you're doing it under actual testing conditions.
I found Bootcmap, Qvault, and CrackDAT's RC sections to all be pretty helpful practice.

Thank you! I will look into those as well.

BTW, are you THE Feralis that created Feralis bio notes?!?!? if so, THANK YOU! Your notes are very helpful and detailed. I'm a huge fan, wish you made notes for every section! haha