Repeating MS1 - Chances at PM&R Residency?

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Jul 10, 2022
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Hello all,

I narrowly missed the cutoff for passing and will be repeating MS1.

I’ve already gone through the processes, reflections, and emotions to feel *somewhat* hopeful with this extra chance. So my post is not about that.
  1. I am very interested in PM&R and wondering if this is still on the table?
  2. If so, what would be suggestions to increase my chances of matching (beyond doing well with grades)?
  3. Realistically, what limitations will I have due to having failed my first year?
I am a non-traditional student that previously was a lawyer. Other than that, I don’t really have much that makes me “stand out” for PM&R residency applications. Feel free to also give other suggestions related to PM&R/repeating MS1.

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Looks like PM&R is getting more popular and competitive according to the charting outcomes for this year's residency match.
If you can drastically improve and have a perfect track record from now on, good board scores, and no failures, you may still be Ok.
Wont help obviously, but spots are pretty limited. I'm sure you can still match if you do well from now on and address whatever made you fail M1. Get involved early in rehab experiences. Can always volunteer at local adaptive sports organizations if that's your thing. Dont need any clinical skills for that.
Just wanted to reach out with support ❤️and to ask how are you doing now overall and in your classes? Feel free to pm if you don’t want to post here
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