Research for IM

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Aug 14, 2020
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What type of research should you focus on in order to prepare CV for internal medicine match, in terms of matching at a Academic/University program?

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there's not a type of research. anything is fine, including case reports/series. programs aren't expecting you to be a part of a RCT. Research is not so much a prerequisite for IM (even academic/university) as it is for other fields (ex. ophtho, plastics, etc).

Do the research if you're truly interested in it. If you're not interested, it'll show and you won't be doing yourself any favors.
there's not a type of research. anything is fine, including case reports/series. programs aren't expecting you to be a part of a RCT. Research is not so much a prerequisite for IM (even academic/university) as it is for other fields (ex. ophtho, plastics, etc).

Do the research if you're truly interested in it. If you're not interested, it'll show and you won't be doing yourself any favors.

If you just want to match (which you will), follow this advice.
Competitive programs will want to see research in some form. Just try and be interested and be able to talk about it.
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If there is an IM sub specialty you are interested, you could look for research in that field. Could also potentially give you something for your CV if/when you apply for fellowships.