Retention % on medical school lectures?

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2+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2018
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Hey guys, curious as to what your all's retention % is when you read/watch/listen to your medical school lectures? I'm roughly around 20-40%. I'm trying to figure out how I can improve mine and soak in more info on the first go. There have been many times when I've went through a whole lecture and been like what the heck did I just learn. What I have found is that I don't retain much at 2x speed as I would 1x, sometimes I basically have to watch the lecture again. My retention does increase when I'm in stress cram mode but thats neither healthy mentally or physically so I want to avoid doing that.

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Hey guys, curious as to what your all's retention % is when you read/watch/listen to your medical school lectures? I'm roughly around 20-40%. I'm trying to figure out how I can improve mine and soak in more info on the first go. There have been many times when I've went through a whole lecture and been like what the heck did I just learn. What I have found is that I don't retain much at 2x speed as I would 1x, sometimes I basically have to watch the lecture again. My retention does increase when I'm in stress cram mode but thats neither healthy mentally or physically so I want to avoid doing that.

It was pretty normal to not retain everything you learned... Do spaced repetition as the poster above has mentioned. Take a break and dont sit there until your brain is tired to make a checklist that you studied for 8 hours a day.
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Hey guys, curious as to what your all's retention % is when you read/watch/listen to your medical school lectures? I'm roughly around 20-40%. I'm trying to figure out how I can improve mine and soak in more info on the first go. There have been many times when I've went through a whole lecture and been like what the heck did I just learn. What I have found is that I don't retain much at 2x speed as I would 1x, sometimes I basically have to watch the lecture again. My retention does increase when I'm in stress cram mode but thats neither healthy mentally or physically so I want to avoid doing that.
Repetition drives learning!
Hey guys, curious as to what your all's retention % is when you read/watch/listen to your medical school lectures? I'm roughly around 20-40%. I'm trying to figure out how I can improve mine and soak in more info on the first go. There have been many times when I've went through a whole lecture and been like what the heck did I just learn. What I have found is that I don't retain much at 2x speed as I would 1x, sometimes I basically have to watch the lecture again. My retention does increase when I'm in stress cram mode but thats neither healthy mentally or physically so I want to avoid doing that.
Writing stuff down helps you retain. 50-55 min interval study sessions with 5-10 min breaks. Spaced repetition. Doing questions to apply the knowledge and make you apply the principles and high yield concepts. These are the things that help you learn and make it stick. Some people love anki and I think that if you like that then its statistically proven to help you retain information. For me anki is too time consuming, but that is just me. It works for a crap ton of students. My thing is I like writing things down and doing a lot of questions to make me think. Studying should be hard not easy-you should be really thinking about what you are learning.
Space repetition whichever way works best for you: Note taking and review later over and over, watching videos or lectures over and over, flashcards/anki, doing lots of questions, read and repeat over and over.

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Everyone is different but I'm team Anki. Basically turn whatever you want to learn from lecture into an Anki deck and do it everyday. I watch lecture on 2x speed and only listen for things that aren't on the PP slides. If I get an Anki card 3-4 times correct over the course of a couple of weeks... I remember it for the exam.