PhD/PsyD School Counseling hours for APA Internships?

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5+ Year Member
Dec 5, 2017
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Hey y'all,

A fellow student in my program stated the following in response to a class discussion (wording is slightly altered):

"It's unfortunate that the training we get in schools isn't considered clinical hours. I was shocked to hear that school counseling hours are not counted as clinical hours for APA internship apps!"

Is this true? Although my school-based practicum experience ended a year ago, I would hate to lose the 100 or so counseling hours I accrued while in that placement. I use time2track and have been counting those hours as" school (direct intervention)." I have also referred to a document from UKentucky that lists APPIC definitions for classifying hours. I'm taking on two two-day externships starting this summer in an attempt to gain more experience before applications are due, but this would set me back a lot and reduce the number of sites for which I would meet the minimum intervention hour requirements. I recognize that my clinical experiences are ultimately more important than the number of hours I get, but I would like to fall somewhere in the median number of hours of successfully matched applicants.

Students in my program typically take non-APA accredited internships that do not partake in the APPIC match, so there are not many students or alumni I could ask about this. Another student is going to ask our DCT but I'd like perspectives from those without a heavily school psychology background.

Thanks in advance!

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Hey y'all,

A fellow student in my program stated the following in response to a class discussion (wording is slightly altered):

"It's unfortunate that the training we get in schools isn't considered clinical hours. I was shocked to hear that school counseling hours are not counted as clinical hours for APA internship apps!"

Is this true? Although my school-based practicum experience ended a year ago, I would hate to lose the 100 or so counseling hours I accrued while in that placement. I use time2track and have been counting those hours as" school (direct intervention)." I have also referred to a document from UKentucky that lists APPIC definitions for classifying hours. I'm taking on two two-day externships starting this summer in an attempt to gain more experience before applications are due, but this would set me back a lot and reduce the number of sites for which I would meet the minimum intervention hour requirements. I recognize that my clinical experiences are ultimately more important than the number of hours I get, but I would like to fall somewhere in the median number of hours of successfully matched applicants.

Students in my program typically take non-APA accredited internships that do not partake in the APPIC match, so there are not many students or alumni I could ask about this. Another student is going to ask our DCT but I'd like perspectives from those without a heavily school psychology background.

Thanks in advance!
Of course they count.
I would be surprised if that were true since counseling, school, and clinical doctorates are all eligible for licensure. I'd double check on that with your advisor, but school hours should count! Many APA internships are school-based which means your school counseling experience would likely be valued
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