SDN is full of WWolves

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That there's someone floating around... Playing but not playing?!

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Potential voter, whoever you are (hedgiehog, maybe? I see you reading the thread), please don't vote for dyachei. I seen things, man.
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The only thing that I can think of that I have not really paid attention to is the 2 players that aren't named. What in the ever living heck does mean. Who are they? Why aren't they named? Can they PM with anyone? What impact on the game do they have? I just now had a random thought that the 2 people could be the mods but I now how feasible that would be. And also it says to pay attention to the other game but it hasn't started yet. It makes me a bit squidgy that I don't know it is that we're missing. That always makes me feel like I'm missing out on something that everyone else is catching on to. And I certainly don't want the wolves to figure it out first
The only thing that I can think of that I have not really paid attention to is the 2 players that aren't named. What in the ever living heck does mean. Who are they? Why aren't they named? Can they PM with anyone? What impact on the game do they have? I just now had a random thought that the 2 people could be the mods but I now how feasible that would be. And also it says to pay attention to the other game but it hasn't started yet. It makes me a bit squidgy that I don't know it is that we're missing. That always makes me feel like I'm missing out on something that everyone else is catching on to. And I certainly don't want the wolves to figure it out first

I thought it was only 1.
Vote for the tiger, I've got the best purr!
Am I supposed to lynch nutmeg?

I was gonna do that as soon as the next day round began.

Well there appears to be an invisible person. also dandelion and 70 show work at it off the waitlist to fill previously unavailable spots. I just assumed you were being charitable with the number of players.
Yay equine for resurrecting my flying pig!! :love: (and for voting for me) :D
I was gonna do that as soon as the next day round began.

Well there appears to be an invisible person. also dandelion and 70 show work at it off the waitlist to fill previously unavailable spots. I just assumed you were being charitable with the number of players.
Not strategy... but just an FYI for you doc.

Pre-vet games fill pretty quickly so most of the mods plan for a few extra roles "in their pocket" to give to the whiniest or the most deserving late comers. It makes everyone 'feel' better.
I thought it was only 1.

Oh you are completely right. I was thinking all of the groups had five people in them so five times five is 20 players so 22 would be two more but I completely missed that there are six in the lounge group. So yeah just one. Which pretty much definitively discounts the mod theory but that was never really a seriously serious theory any way. Just a thought since I thought it was two people that that could POSSIBLE account for it. But since it's one I bet fonz is ghosting :laugh: That is another wild off the wall theory so... Anyway. Those are my thoughts, sorry there are so many of them...... :lame:
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Potential voter, whoever you are (hedgiehog, maybe? I see you reading the thread), please don't vote for dyachei. I seen things, man.

definitely not me. hedgiehog doesn't play WW anymore after making poor decisions.
definitely not me. hedgiehog doesn't play WW anymore after making poor decisions.

Vote for me anyways!! I have to win!! :smuggrin:
definitely not me. hedgiehog doesn't play WW anymore after making poor decisions.

I'm pretty sure no one would mind if you came back to playing though! :D
Devyn, your signature cracks me up:laugh:

you should've signed up to play!

I thought FTB was me posting :laugh:

and TW you are cracking me up.....

this game is going to be so entertaining - like a good soap opera to watch on the forum!!!
Yay equine for resurrecting my flying pig!! :love: (and for voting for me) :D

You're welcome! It's definitely got a really strong association with you in my mind, and then I found it! I would've picked one of dyachei's old avatars, but 1) I couldn't really remember any and 2) Not really sure I would want to emulate dyachei. Emiloo is MUCH better to emulate! :D
Not strategy... but just an FYI for you doc.

Pre-vet games fill pretty quickly so most of the mods plan for a few extra roles "in their pocket" to give to the whiniest or the most deserving late comers. It makes everyone 'feel' better.

So sweet. And forgiving. and less cutthroat than the lounge. I love my pre vet people, but it is definitely a softer squishier world over here
I'm pretty sure no one would mind if you came back to playing though! :D

something to keep in mind for the future then
So sweet. And forgiving. and less cutthroat than the lounge. I love my pre vet people, but it is definitely a softer squishier world over here

Yup. We are soft and squishy over here.

How else do you think we break so few bones when we wrestle animals all over the place?
Has anyone posted sans stars that's not on the list?

For that matter, who has posted with stars who's not on the list? In the dog sanctuary game, the non-player players still posted with stars. Also, in that game, dyachei was a wolf. Just sayin'.
For that matter, who has posted with stars who's not on the list? In the dog sanctuary game, the non-player players still posted with stars. Also, in that game, dyachei was a wolf. Just sayin'.

generally speaking anyone who is not an active player, so both dead players and non players who know the etiquette,post with the stars. just a way to say that the comment is off the record. I assume that rule is universal
generally speaking anyone who is not an active player, so both dead players and non players who know the etiquette,post with the stars. just a way to say that the comment is off the record. I assume that rule is universal

Yes but in dog sanctuary game, they were posing as non players but actually playing
generally speaking anyone who is not an active player, so both dead players and non players who know the etiquette,post with the stars. just a way to say that the comment is off the record. I assume that rule is universal

That is true. It is pretty universal, the only time you see them not being used is my newbies. But I think she is strategizing here...... She is trying to figure out who that extra person is. If a person posts and doesn't use stars then they may very well be that ghost player. And it is a good thought. I'm not sure I really understand Emiloo's comment about people not on the list using stars. That seems too broad and impossible to figure out. And for that matter did she mean both lists of both games? I just think that might be to broad a list.
generally speaking anyone who is not an active player, so both dead players and non players who know the etiquette,post with the stars. just a way to say that the comment is off the record. I assume that rule is universal

Yes, I know the rule. I have played in one game before, and read several others. I was suggesting we might make a list of people who have posted with stars in this thread (potentially not including those signed up for the other game) because in a previous game here, there were 3 "non-players" who posted on the thread with stars but turned out to have neutral roles in the game. Therefore one of them might be the mysterious 22nd person. I was looking for more of a "specifically speaking." :laugh:

...So, Abney, you were basically right. Although I don't see why it would be too broad a list to not include anyone signed up in either game.

In other news, anyone heard from dyachei? Dyachei, where aaaaaare youuuuuu?
PS, I'm not Emiloo, any more than dyachei is...Batman riding a shark.
Yes, I know the rule. I have played in one game before, and read several others. I was suggesting we might make a list of people who have posted with stars in this thread (potentially not including those signed up for the other game) because in a previous game here, there were 3 "non-players" who posted on the thread with stars but turned out to have neutral roles in the game. Therefore one of them might be the mysterious 22nd person. I was looking for more of a "specifically speaking." :laugh:

...So, Abney, you were basically right. Although I don't see why it would be too broad a list to not include anyone signed up in either game.

In other news, anyone heard from dyachei? Dyachei, where aaaaaare youuuuuu?

No I agree. Look at people signed up in both games, but just thinking about people who use stars seems like it could be such a long list. So perhaps think about people on either list and then maybe people who are on neither in separate terms. I'm not sure. This is making my head hurt lol. And the no deadlines thing is going to kill me. I'm sure of it. Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that we just have to scrutinize EVERYONE if we are thinking in terms of with stars and without. I feel like my is being messed with. Thanks for that SOV. Fuuuuuuuuuudge!!!!!!!
PS, I'm not Emiloo, any more than dyachei is...Batman riding a shark.

:smack: What is stupid is that I KNEW you made the first comment but when I saw your second one about the people with stars I just immediately thought it was Emiloo. Oh good god. I need to be stuck in a loony bin because of this game already!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I never realized how much I rely on people's avatars to identify them!!! Thought I was doing pretty good with that too. Sheesh. When I wind up having to play on my phone it should be better since the avatars are so puny I pay much more attention to the name. Anywho, ignore that I said that that was Emiloo :p
Not on list, posted with stars: devyn, orcagirl, nohika, wildcatj, abber, heylodeb, kaydubs, DVMDream, hedgiehog

Not on list, posted without stars: SOV (mod), Packen (mod)
Is mrs SOV playing?!? She would for sure vote for me!! :biglove:
No I agree. Look at people signed up in both games, but just thinking about people who use stars seems like it could be such a long list. So perhaps think about people on either list and then maybe people who are on neither in separate terms. I'm not sure. This is making my head hurt lol. And the no deadlines thing is going to kill me. I'm sure of it. Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that we just have to scrutinize EVERYONE if we are thinking in terms of with stars and without. I feel like my is being messed with. Thanks for that SOV. Fuuuuuuuuuudge!!!!!!!

*shrug* Maybe I'll try to come up with a list anyway, and share it with the thread once I've got it.

As for fudge...mods be crazy. Dyachei was a mod twice, for Hunger Games and Game of Thrones. Both of which involve a lot of death. COINCIDENCE??? ...maybe. It is WW.
Good thing we don't need to switch avatars in our game. It's so confusing.
Are you gonna beg people to vote for you when we lynch too??? Because this is just ridic. :laugh:

Nope. I only care about being mayor/leader/top dog/Jedi council/swampdog ....

Any leadership position... I'm there!!!!
MrsSOV is not playing. I tried to get her to play, but she is already snowed under with work in the 2nd week of classes.

And yes, she would vote for you I am sure.

:( a sure Vote. Lost to school.

I will get rid of school if elected!!!
Okay, everyone who posted with stars is in the other game (so it's logical for them to follow this one) except two. One is hedgiehog, but only after I called her out. The other is heylodeb. Possibility?

This game looks AWESOME!!!!!! Man - I'm missing out on some SOV geniusness. Have fun!

Except then she goes on to say she's going on vacation, so probably didn't sign up on purpose.

Also, I realized dyachei did post, so I feel rather silly for calling her out before. I guess I don't keep as good track of her as I like to think I do. Aaaand, thanks for pointing that out, too, Abney. You're on top of things this game!
:smack: What is stupid is that I KNEW you made the first comment but when I saw your second one about the people with stars I just immediately thought it was Emiloo. Oh good god. I need to be stuck in a loony bin because of this game already!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I never realized how much I rely on people's avatars to identify them!!! Thought I was doing pretty good with that too. Sheesh. When I wind up having to play on my phone it should be better since the avatars are so puny I pay much more attention to the name. Anywho, ignore that I said that that was Emiloo :p

Thought you were TW when you said this.