Seeking advice

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7+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Hello friends! I hope you are all having a great day. After searching a long time on SDN and Reddit for people in a similar situation, I think my story is different enough to warrant its own post.

I am an ORM and I applied to DO schools in 2016, but I graduated with a poor gpa (~3.0 both sGPA and cGPA; 170 credits) and an unremarkable MCAT (501). So I applied to post bacc and masters programs to work on that. I just graduated from a health science masters program at an MD school with a 3.7 cGPA and a 3.6 sGPA (60 credits). I also took the MCAT last month and scored a 508 (123 CARS 🙁). The bad CARS score totally shattered me. It was out of left field as I was consistently scoring 126-129 on each of my six practice exams... but what's done is done.

Anyway... I think the other parts of my application are decent. I have a little over 2000 hours in working in a clinical setting as a medical scribe and through work in free health clinics. I have research experience with co-authorship in three published papers (and another one coming up), design of an IRB protocol for a clinical trial, and a poster presentation. I have pretty good leadership experience from undergrad through founding a club that raises money for education in marginalized communities and I now tutor middle school kids living such neighborhoods in my city. I am also on the committee for a new nonprofit. I tutor graduate students and PA students taking medical science courses through my school. My personal statement and secondary essays are really good too, based on feedback from numerous people.

I applied to 20 MD schools:
All Ohio Schools,
Wayne State
Central Michigan
Western Michigan
Rosalind Franklin

and 12 DO schools
Touro (Cali)

I'm done with ~80% of the secondaries for schools I've heard back from. I'm worried that I'll have another year of bad luck and will be screened out of a lot of these schools, however. Does anyone have any useful insight or advice on moving forward? Thank you so much in advance.

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Add more DO schools if you want to get in this year.

You've worked hard to improve, but you're subpar for MD still. I mean sure you can retake the MCAT (again) and get a 510+ and hope your past does not drag you down... but you're competing against 510+ and 3.7 who did not need to do an SMP or retake.
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LECOM has a large number of seats and has no secondary essays. People complain about the dress-code, but they do well on boards, and all you need for a shot is $50.

If you had to pick between mandatory lectures for 2 years, and going through an SMP and NOT being a doctor what would you choose?
Add more DO schools if you want to get in this year.

You've worked hard to improve, but you're subpar for MD still. I mean sure you can retake the MCAT (again) and get a 510+ and hope your past does not drag you down... but you're competing against 510+ and 3.7 who did not need to do an SMP or retake.
I agree
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I will definitely add those additional DO schools to the list. At this point I just want to get in somewhere lol (in the states of course). I also will not retake the MCAT unless I don't get in this cycle.