Self Study - Online - Classroom PCAT

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10+ Year Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Hello everyone,

I'm planning to take PCAT this summer. I'm looking around to prepare for the Test. I saw Kaplan having 3 options:

Buy Book ~ $60 usd
Online Course ~ $1,299
Class room ~ 1,399

I don't know what options I should choose. I really want to buy book ($60) to study because it's cheap. But I worry about the materials and other helps.

Please give me some advices what should I do.

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Hello everyone,

I'm planning to take PCAT this summer. I'm looking around to prepare for the Test. I saw Kaplan having 3 options:

Buy Book ~ $60 usd
Online Course ~ $1,299
Class room ~ 1,399

I don't know what options I should choose. I really want to buy book ($60) to study because it's cheap. But I worry about the materials and other helps.

Please give me some advices what should I do.

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hey... If I were you I would not spend the money for the kaplan class. I didn't take it myself but have heard people say its a waste of money. Assuming you've been going to college for a while you should be pretty good at studying from a book. I bombed it my first time but went through every page of the bio and chem section and ended up doing pretty well. What the book doesn't do well is cover ochem and calc. I'd bring in some other books to review those parts and you'll do fine
Thank you, trailrider400, for your advice. I could study well from the book, but the prices they offer make me worry about the quality.

Is there anybody who has experiences about Kaplan or taking PCAT?

What source of materials, programs or books do you study?
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Do not take kaplan online course. It is too expensive. You can study by yourself with books and knowledge that you learn in the class. You only need to have 80 in the Pcat to be competitive.
i took the class and i admit it was a total waste of money, i studied by myself the second time and did much better
yeah i was thinking of selling mine but they are way cheap on amazon right now... and I don't think the new edition is out yet and even if it is the older version would prolly work just fine...
Purchase DR. Collins Study Guide, I found to be a better investment in preparing towards this exam. Self study runs around $310.00 (this may have gone up)
Yeah Kaplan is worthless. Pcat destroyer and Dr Collins are good for practising under timed conditions but to learn the material the best option is to study hard for your pre reqs. Good luck on your journey
I would recommend the course only if you're incapable of studying yourself. The course is pretty expensive and for less than that price, you can buy tons of other study material and still have a huge amount of change left over. :p