Senior Year Classes


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5+ Year Member
Jan 12, 2018
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I am scheduling for my senior year of high school soon, and am a little conflicted on what classes I should take. This year I am taking AP Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology 1, Honors Pre-calc, as well as AP Comp Sci, and a Digital Electronics Engineering class (PLTW). My main conflict is whether or not to take AP Social Studies or English, as well as physics vs. AP Biology. I am being told to take physics but I could fit both in my schedule if I wanted (as well as A&P 2).

Also- I plan on being pre-med in college

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Is it a block schedule or not? I've never done block scheduling so I don't know how that works but I feel like Social studies and English are both "core classes" so you should take them both, but if one then AP social studies. And if you can take both physics and Biology then do it. Physics is at a level of math that is like Algebra 2 but if you are taking BC for math then the concepts in one will help you understand the other. And AP bio is not that difficult, especially if that is what you are interested in! I've always had 9+1 period in a day so I could fit in quite a bit but that would mean you have too many free periods lol
Thanks for the input! I just scheduled with both AP Bio and physics (as long as it will all fit). I don't have a block schedule.